Branch selector
User selector
Commit History
Commits on Jul 1, 2016
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- committed
Added a new -q command line argument to disable progress and verbose information from being printed (request squizlabs#969)
committed- committed
Commits on Jun 30, 2016
Exit codes for the PHPCS script have been changed to differentiate between fixable and non-fiable errors (request squizlabs#930)
committed- committed
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Commits on Jun 29, 2016
Fixed bug squizlabs#1049 : Version control reports can show notices when the report width is very small. Also added indication of fixable sources.
committed- committed
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Added a new --exclude CLI argument to exclude a list of sniffs from checking and fixing (request squizlabs#904)
Commits on Jun 27, 2016
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Generic LineLength sniff no longer errors for comments that cannot be broken out onto a new line (request squizlabs#766)
committed- committed
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- committed
Fixed bug squizlabs#908 : PSR2 standard is not checking that closing brace is on line following the body
committed- authored