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_.setTranslation({"water tank": "su tank\u0131", "a shivering man approaches and attacks with surprising strength": "titreyen bir adam yakla\u015ft\u0131 ve \u015fa\u015f\u0131rt\u0131c\u0131 derecede g\u00fc\u00e7le ileri at\u0131ld\u0131", "the room is {0}": "oda {0}", "punch twice as fast, and with even more force": "iki kat h\u0131zl\u0131 ve daha g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc yumruk at", "The Nomad": "G\u00f6\u00e7ebe", "the trees yield to dry grass. the yellowed brush rustles in the wind.": "a\u011fa\u00e7lar kuru bitki \u00f6rt\u00fcs\u00fcne kar\u0131\u015ft\u0131. sararm\u0131\u015f \u00e7al\u0131lar r\u00fczgarda h\u0131\u015f\u0131rd\u0131yor.", "only a few die.": "sadece bika\u00e7 ki\u015fi \u00f6ld\u00fc.", "mild": "\u0131l\u0131k", "bait": "yem", "not enough fur": "k\u00fcrk yetmiyor", "it puts up little resistance before the knife.": "b\u0131\u00e7aklanmadan \u00f6nce biraz kar\u015f\u0131 koydu.", "the body of a wanderer lies in a small cavern.": "koca ma\u011faran\u0131n i\u00e7inde bir gezginin cesedi yerde yat\u0131yor.", "steel's stronger than iron": "\u00e7elik, demirden daha g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc", "steelworker": "\u00e7elik ustas\u0131", "not enough alien alloy": "yabanc\u0131 mineral", "the soldier is dead": "asker \u00f6ld\u00fc", "sniper": "keskin ni\u015fanc\u0131", "something's in the store room": "depoda bi\u015fey hareket ediyor", "unfathomable destruction to fuel wanderer hungers.": "ak\u0131l almaz bir y\u0131k\u0131m ve yak\u0131t gezgini ac\u0131kt\u0131rd\u0131.", "embark": "yolculu\u011fa \u00e7\u0131k", "scout": "izci", "mourn": "z\u0131rh", "more traps won't help now": "daha fazla tuzak kurmak \u015fu an i\u015fe yaram\u0131yor", "save.": "kaydet", "learned to make the most of food": "yemekten daha fazla yararlanmay\u0131 \u00f6\u011frendin", "blast": "lazerle ate\u015f et", "the sky is grey and the wind blows relentlessly": "g\u00f6ky\u00fcz\u00fc gri ve r\u00fczgar ac\u0131mas\u0131zca esiyor", "supplies:": "malzemeler:", "the feral terror is dead": "vah\u015f\u0131 canavar \u00f6ld\u00fc", "the tracks disappear after just a few minutes.": "birka\u00e7 dakikadan sonra izler yok oldu.", "a safe place in the wilds.": "vah\u015fi do\u011fada guvenli bir yer.", "buy scales": "kabuk sat\u0131n al", "the compass points east": "pusula do\u011fuyu g\u00f6steriyor.", "the hunting lodge stands in the forest, a ways out of town": "av kl\u00fcbesi, kentin hemen yan\u0131nda, ormanda kuruldu", "leave": "uzakla\u015f", "the convoy can haul mostly everything": "bu konvoyla neredeyse her\u015feyi ta\u015f\u0131yabilirsin", "learned to strike faster without weapons": "silahs\u0131z daha h\u0131zl\u0131 sald\u0131rmay\u0131 \u00f6\u011frendin", "ignore them": "g\u00f6rmezden gel", "willing to talk about it, for a price.": "\u00fccreti ile gezdi\u011fi yerleri anlatmak istiyor.", "a beast, wilder than imagining, erupts out of the foliage": "ak\u0131l almaz derecede vah\u015fi bir yarat\u0131k, ye\u015filliklerin aras\u0131ndan ortaya \u00e7\u0131kt\u0131", "go home": "eve d\u00f6n", "force": "kuvvet", "the rickety cart will carry more wood from the forest": "\u00e7\u00fcr\u00fck at arabas\u0131 ormandan daha fazla odun getirmeyi sa\u011flayacak", "a ragged stranger stumbles through the door and collapses in the corner": "pejm\u00fcrde yabanc\u0131 kap\u0131dan girdi ve k\u00f6\u015feye y\u0131\u011f\u0131ld\u0131", "not enough leather": "deri yetmiyor", "the fight is short and bloody, but the beasts are repelled.": "sava\u015f k\u0131sa s\u00fcrd\u00fc ve kanl\u0131 ge\u00e7ti, ama yarat\u0131klar p\u00fcsk\u00fcrt\u00fcld\u00fc.", "the wood is running out": "\u00e7ok az odun kald\u0131", "restart.": "tekrar ba\u015fla", "rot's been to work on it, and some of the pieces are missing.": "ceset \u00e7\u00fcr\u00fcmeye yuz tutmu\u015f ve baz\u0131 par\u00e7alar\u0131 eksik.", "workshop's finally ready. builder's excited to get to it": "e\u015fya at\u00f6lyesi sonunda haz\u0131r. ustalar at\u00f6lyeyi kullanmak i\u00e7in heyecanl\u0131", "a trading post would make commerce easier": "ticaret merkezi kurmak, ticareti kolayla\u015ft\u0131r\u0131r", "not enough steel": "\u00e7elik yetmiyor", "perks:": "\u00f6zellikler:", "saved.": "kaydedildi.", "after a skirmish they are driven away, but not without losses.": "\u00e7at\u0131\u015fmadan sonra sald\u0131r\u0131 p\u00fcsk\u00fcrt\u00fcld\u00fc, ama kay\u0131plar var.", "tannery goes up quick, on the edge of the village": "deri tabakhanesi, kentin hemen yan\u0131nda h\u0131zl\u0131ca kuruldu", "learned to fight quite effectively without weapons": "silahs\u0131z olarak d\u00f6v\u00fc\u015fmeyi iyi \u00f6\u011frendin", "leaves a pile of small teeth behind.": "arkas\u0131nda di\u015flerden bir y\u0131\u011f\u0131n b\u0131rakt\u0131.", "not enough scales": "kabuk yetmiyor", "leave cave": "ma\u011faradan \u00e7\u0131k", "hp: {0}/{1}": "sa\u011fl\u0131k: {0}/{1}", "a lone frog sits in the muck, silently.": "yaln\u0131z bir kurba\u011fa \u00e7amurun i\u00e7inde, sessizce oturuyor.", "the steel is strong, and the blade true.": "\u00e7elik g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fcd\u00fcr, tabi ki \u00e7elikten yap\u0131lan b\u0131\u00e7akta. ", "learned how to ignore the hunger": "a\u00e7l\u0131\u011fa ald\u0131rmamay\u0131 \u00f6\u011frendin", "punch": "yumrukla", "water": "su", "desert rat": "\u00e7\u00f6l faresi", "a pack of snarling beasts pours out of the trees.": "h\u0131rlayan bir yarat\u0131k s\u00fcr\u00fcs\u00fc a\u011fa\u00e7lardan a\u011fa\u00e7lar\u0131n aras\u0131ndan \u00e7\u0131kt\u0131", "punches do even more damage.": "yumruklar\u0131n daha fazla zarar vermeye ba\u015flad\u0131", "roaring": "harl\u0131 yan\u0131yor", "A Borehole": "Domuz \u0130ni", "a bundle of sticks lies just beyond the threshold, wrapped in coarse furs.": "e\u015fi\u011fin \u00f6n\u00fcnde bika\u00e7 sopa, kal\u0131n k\u00fcrklere sar\u0131l\u0131 halde duruyor.", "builder says she could make finer things, if she had the tools": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131, uygun alet edevat\u0131 olursa daha iyi \u015feyler \u00fcretebilece\u011fini s\u00f6yledi", "soldier": "asker", "learn scouting": "g\u00f6zc\u00fcl\u00fc\u011f\u00fc \u00f6\u011fren", "share.": "payla\u015f", "A Murky Swamp": "Sisli Bir Batakl\u0131k", "iron sword": "demir k\u0131l\u0131\u00e7", "scales": "kabuk", "the grasses thin. soon, only dust remains.": "bitki \u00f6rt\u00fcs\u00fc c\u0131l\u0131zla\u015ft\u0131. bir s\u00fcre sadece kurak toprak kalm\u0131\u015f olacak", "a shot rings out, from somewhere in the long grass": "uzun \u00e7al\u0131l\u0131klardan bir silah sesi duyuldu", "a wall of gnarled trees rises from the dust. their branches twist into a skeletal canopy overhead.": "yamuk yumuk a\u011fa\u00e7lardan olu\u015fan duvar, kurak topraktan y\u00fckseliyor. dallar\u0131 iskeletten bir kubbe olu\u015fturur \u015fekilde sarmalanm\u0131\u015f.", "gather wood": "odun kes", "A Scavenger": "Bir ya\u011fmac\u0131", "the villagers hang the thief high in front of the store room.": "k\u00f6yl\u00fcler h\u0131rs\u0131z\u0131, deponun \u00f6n\u00fcnde y\u00fckse\u011fe as\u0131p, idam ettiler.", "1 medicine": "1 tane ila\u00e7", "feral terror": "vah\u015fi canavar", "leaves some scraps of cloth behind.": "arkas\u0131nda kuma\u015flardan bir y\u0131\u011f\u0131n b\u0131rakt\u0131.", "are you sure?": "emin misin?", "charcutier": "kasap", "trading post": "ticaret merkezi", "a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if she leaves with furs, she'll be back with more.": "gezgin bir kad\u0131n bo\u015f bir at arabas\u0131 ile \u00e7\u0131kageldi. k\u00f6yden k\u00fcrk ile ayr\u0131l\u0131rsa daha fazlas\u0131yla geri d\u00f6nece\u011fini dile getirdi.", "in exchange, the wanderer offers his wisdom.": "kar\u015f\u0131l\u0131\u011f\u0131nda, gezgin, bilgeli\u011fin\u0131 sundu.", "sulphur miner": "s\u00fclf\u00fcr madencisi", "warm": "s\u0131cak", "A Feral Terror": "Vah\u015fi bir Canavar", "stoke fire": "ate\u015fe odun at", "lift off": "kalk\u0131\u015f yap", "shoot": "t\u00fcfekle ate\u015f et", "none": "hi\u00e7bi\u015fey", "a strange looking bird speeds across the plains": "garip g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcml\u00fc ku\u015f, tepelerin ard\u0131ndan ko\u015fmaya ba\u015flad\u0131", "linger": "oyalan", "take:": "al:", "strange bird": "garip ku\u015f", "if the code is invalid, all data will be lost.": "kod yanl\u0131\u015fsa, t\u00fcm data u\u00e7up gidecek.", "a swamp festers in the stagnant air.": "batakl\u0131k durgun havada berbat kokuyor.", "can't see what's inside.": "i\u00e7erde ne oldu\u011fu belli de\u011fil.", "the stranger in the corner stops shivering. her breathing calms.": "k\u00f6\u015fedeki yabanc\u0131n\u0131n titremesi ge\u00e7ti. soluk al\u0131\u015f veri\u015fi d\u00fczeldi.", "a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if he leaves with wood, he'll be back with more.": "gezgin bir adam bo\u015f at arabas\u0131yla \u00e7\u0131kageldi. k\u00f6yden odunla ayr\u0131l\u0131rsa daha fazlas\u0131yla geri d\u00f6nece\u011fini dile getirdi.", "gaunt man": "s\u0131ska adam", "An Outpost": "Bir Karakol", "cured meat": "i\u015flenmi\u015f et", "builder puts up a hut, out in the forest. says word will get around.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 ormana bir baraka yapt\u0131. s\u00f6ylentinin etrafa yay\u0131laca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 da ekledi.", "learned how not to be seen": "farkedilmemeyi \u00f6\u011frendin", "punches do more damage": "yumruklar daha fazla zarar verir", "some traps have been destroyed": "tuzaklar\u0131n baz\u0131lar\u0131\u00a0yok edilmi\u015f", "well armed men charge out of the forest, firing into the crowd.": "iyi silahlanm\u0131\u015f adamlar ormandan \u00e7\u0131k\u0131p sald\u0131rd\u0131 ve kalabal\u0131\u011fa do\u011fru ate\u015f etmeye ba\u015flad\u0131.", "deep in the swamp is a moss-covered cabin.": "batakl\u0131\u011f\u0131n derinliklerine yosunla kaplanm\u0131\u015f bir kl\u00fcbe var.", "app store.": "app store", "An Old Starship": "Eski bir Y\u0131ld\u0131z Gemisi", "ignore it": "g\u00f6rmezden gel", "hot": "\u00e7ok s\u0131cak", "upgrade engine": "motorun g\u00fcc\u00fcn\u00fc artt\u0131r", "forest": "orman", "give 500": "ba\u011f\u0131\u015flayaca\u011f\u0131n miktar 500", "A Dark Room": "Karanl\u0131k Oda", "builder says leather could be useful. says the villagers could make it.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 derinin i\u015fe yarayabilece\u011fini s\u00f6yledi. k\u00f6yl\u00fclerin deri \u00fcretebilece\u011fini de ekledi.", "craft:": "\u00fcret:", "Iron Mine": "Demir Madeni", "coal mine": "k\u00f6m\u00fcr madencisi", "bits of meat": "et par\u00e7alar\u0131", "the remains of an old camp sits just inside the cave.": "ma\u011farada sadece eski bir kamp\u0131n kal\u0131nt\u0131lar\u0131 var.", "The Village": "K\u00f6y", "snarling beast": "h\u0131rlayan yarat\u0131k", "strange noises can be heard through the walls": "tuhaf g\u00fcr\u00fclt\u00fcler, duvarlardan duyulabiliyor.", "coal": "k\u00f6m\u00fcr", "Stratosphere": "Stratosfer", "man-eater": "insan-yiyen", "can't tell what they're up to.": "neyin pe\u015finde oldular\u0131n\u0131 kim bilir.", "enter": "i\u00e7eri gir", "Ship": "Gemi", "better avoid conflict in the wild": "vah\u015fi do\u011fada kavgadan uzak durmak daha iyidir", "talk": "konu\u015f", "A Soldier": "Asker", "the man expresses his thanks and hobbles off.": "adam te\u015fekk\u00fcr etti ve topallayarak uzakla\u015ft\u0131.", "the villagers haul a filthy man out of the store room.": "k\u00f6yl\u00fcler pis bir adam\u0131 depodan s\u00fcr\u00fckleyerek \u00e7\u0131kard\u0131lar.", "all the work of a previous generation is here.": "\u00f6nceki nesilin yapt\u0131klar\u0131n\u0131n izleri burada.", "cold": "so\u011fuk", "A Crashed Starship": "D\u00fc\u015fm\u00fc\u015f Y\u0131ld\u0131z Gemisi", "the fire is {0}": "ate\u015f {0}", "A Lonely Hut": "Yaln\u0131z Bir Kl\u00fcbe", "buy teeth": "di\u015f sat\u0131n al", "burning": "yan\u0131yor", "bedrolls, torn and blackened, lay beneath a thin layer of dust.": "matlar, y\u0131rt\u0131lm\u0131\u015f ve kararm\u0131\u015f, tozlu bir katmanla kaplanm\u0131\u015f.", "dodge attacks more effectively": "sald\u0131r\u0131lardan daha iyi savu\u015ftur", "hull: ": "g\u00f6vde:", "thieves": "h\u0131rs\u0131zlar", "lights off.": "\u0131\u015f\u0131klar kapal\u0131", "learned to look ahead": "uzaklar\u0131 g\u00f6rmeyi \u00f6\u011frendin", "Coal Mine": "K\u00f6m\u00fcr Madeni", "save to slot": "bunu kaydet.", "hunter": "avc\u0131", "some weird glowing boxes he picked up on his travels.": "gezdi\u011fi yerlerden buldu\u011fu parlayan tuhaf kutular.", "give 50": "ba\u011f\u0131\u015flayaca\u011f\u0131n miktar 50", "wagon": "at arabas\u0131", "An Old House": "Eski Bir Ev", "meat": "et", "a terrible plague is fast spreading through the village.": "korkun\u00e7 bir veba \u00e7ok h\u0131zl\u0131 bir \u015fekilde k\u00f6ye yay\u0131l\u0131yor.", "the gaunt man is dead": "s\u0131ska adam \u00f6ld\u00fc", "bone spear": "kemik u\u00e7lu m\u0131zrak", "trap": "tuzak", "armourer": "z\u0131rh ustas\u0131", "a small group arrives, all dust and bones.": "k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck bir grup \u00e7\u0131kageldi, her \u015fey toz duman oldu.", "weight": "a\u011f\u0131rl\u0131k", "torch": "me\u015fale", "The Thief": "H\u0131rs\u0131z", "not enough cloth": "kuma\u015f yetmiyor", "learned to be where they're not": "onlar\u0131n olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131 yerde olmay\u0131 \u00f6\u011frendin", "go twice as far without eating": "yemek yemeden daha uzaklar\u0131 gezebilirsin", "the plague is kept from spreading.": "salg\u0131n\u0131n yay\u0131lmas\u0131 engellendi.", "the cask holds enough water for longer expeditions": "bu f\u0131\u00e7\u0131 uzun seferler i\u00e7in yeterli suyu sa\u011flayacakt\u0131r", "check traps": "tuzaklar\u0131 kontrol et", "Plague": "Veba", "medicine": "ila\u00e7", "tannery": "deri tabakhanesi", "lob": "el bombas\u0131n\u0131 at", "no more room for huts.": "baraka kurmak i\u00e7in yeterince yer kalmad\u0131", "a large creature attacks, claws freshly bloodied": "dev yarat\u0131k sald\u0131rd\u0131, pen\u00e7elerinde taze kan var", "a sick man hobbles up": "hasta bir adam topallayarak yakla\u015ft\u0131", "An Abandoned Town": "Terk Edilmi\u015f Kent", "cart": "at arabas\u0131", "the wood has run out": "odun kalmad\u0131", "The Master": "Usta", "thrust": "s\u00fcng\u00fcle", "a soldier opens fire from across the desert": "bir asker \u00e7\u00f6lden ate\u015f ediyor", "go twice as far without drinking": "su i\u00e7meden daha uzaklar\u0131 gezebilirsin", "the villagers retreat to mourn the dead.": "k\u00f6yl\u00fcler geri \u00e7ekildi ve \u00f6lenler i\u00e7in yas tutuyor.", "A Modest Village": "Modern Bir K\u00f6y", "swing": "k\u0131l\u0131c\u0131 salla", "alien alloy": "d\u00fcnya-d\u0131\u015f\u0131 mineral", "export or import save data, for backing up": "datay\u0131 yedeklemek i\u00e7in export veya import edin", "smokehouse": "t\u00fcts\u00fchane", "vague shapes move, just out of sight.": "belirsiz \u015fekiller hareket ediyor, g\u00f6zden kayboldular.", "Wanderer": "Gezgin", "the earth here is split, as if bearing an ancient wound": "burdaki toprak yar\u0131lm\u0131\u015f, sanki tarihi bir yara izi gibi", "the compass points southeast": "pusula g\u00fcneydo\u011fuyu g\u00f6steriyor", "barbarian": "barbar", "the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with furs": "gezgin k\u00f6yden ayr\u0131ld\u0131, at arabas\u0131 k\u00fcrk ile dolu", "there are still supplies inside.": "i\u00e7eride hala bi tak\u0131m e\u015fyalar var.", "traps are more effective with bait.": "tuzaklar yem ile daha efektif i\u015fleyecektir.", "a sickness is spreading through the village.": "k\u00f6yde bir salg\u0131n hastal\u0131k yay\u0131lmaya ba\u015flad\u0131", "tangle": "kafas\u0131n\u0131 kar\u0131\u015ft\u0131r", "the meat has run out": "et kalmad\u0131", "A Murky Swamp": "Karanl\u0131k Batakl\u0131k", "go inside": "i\u00e7eri gir", "turn her away": "kad\u0131n\u0131 geri \u00e7evir", "reinforce hull": "destek g\u00f6vdesi", "not enough wood to get the fire going": "ate\u015fin yanmas\u0131n\u0131 devam ettirmek i\u00e7in yeterli odunum yok", "a stranger arrives in the night": "geceleyin bir yabanc\u0131 \u00e7\u0131kageldi", "hut": "baraka", "trapper": "tuzak\u00e7\u0131", "rifle": "t\u00fcfek", "sulphur": "s\u00fclf\u00fcr madencisi", "steel": "\u00e7elik", "the stranger is standing by the fire. she says she can help. says she builds things.": "yabanc\u0131 kad\u0131n ate\u015fin yan\u0131nda dikiliyor. yard\u0131m edebilece\u011fini, bi\u015feyler in\u015fa edebilece\u011fini s\u00f6yl\u00fcyor.", "the only hope is a quick death.": "tek umut \u00e7abucak \u00f6lmek.", "the lizard is dead": "kertenkele \u00f6ld\u00fc", "iron": "demir", "light fire": "ate\u015fi yak", "the stranger shivers, and mumbles quietly. her words are unintelligible.": "yabanc\u0131 titriyor, tuhaf \u015feyler m\u0131r\u0131ldan\u0131yor. anlams\u0131z \u015feyler konu\u015fuyor.", "A Firelit Room": "Ate\u015fle Ayd\u0131nlanm\u0131\u015f Oda", "some wood is missing.": "odunun biraz\u0131 eksilmi\u015f.", "The Beggar": "Dilenci", "ripe for the picking.": "olgun ve toplanabilir.", "A Destroyed Village": "Y\u0131k\u0131k K\u00f6y", "coal miner": "k\u00f6m\u00fcr madencisi", "not enough teeth": "di\u015f yetmiyor", "all he has are some scales.": "t\u00fcm sahip oldu\u011fu birka\u00e7 kabuk.", "learned to predict their movement": "onlar\u0131n hareketlerini tahmin etmeyi \u00f6\u011frendin", "the nights are rent with screams.": "\u00e7\u0131\u011fl\u0131klar geceler boyu s\u00fcrd\u00fc.", "take": "al", "the scavenger is dead": "ya\u011fmac\u0131 \u00f6ld\u00fc", "a nomad shuffles into view, laden with makeshift bags bound with rough twine.": "bir g\u00f6\u00e7ebe g\u00f6z\u00fcne tak\u0131ld\u0131, y\u0131rt\u0131k p\u0131rt\u0131k \u00e7antalar\u0131, iple asm\u0131\u015f ve s\u0131rt\u0131na y\u00fcklemi\u015f.", "a convoy lurches in, equal parts worry and hope.": "bir konvoy yakla\u015ft\u0131, yar\u0131s\u0131 endi\u015feli, yar\u0131s\u0131 umut dolu insanlarla beraber.", "the map uncovers a bit of the world": "harita gezmedi\u011fin yerlerin biraz\u0131n\u0131 ortaya \u00e7\u0131kard\u0131", "the sounds stop.": "sesler kesildi.", "rucksack": "s\u0131rt \u00e7antas\u0131", "lights on.": "\u0131\u015f\u0131klar a\u00e7\u0131k.", "a torch to keep the dark away": "me\u015fale.. karanl\u0131\u011f\u0131 uzak tutmak i\u00e7in", "the sickness is cured in time.": "salg\u0131n hastal\u0131k tam zaman\u0131nda tedavi edildi.", "charm": "muska", "the sniper is dead": "keskin ni\u015fanc\u0131 \u00f6ld\u00fc", "nothing": "hi\u00e7bi\u015fey yok", "say his folk have been skimming the supplies.": "malzemeleri arkada\u015flar\u0131yla beraber cebe indirdi\u011f\u0131ni s\u00f6ylendi.", "Restart?": "Tekrar ba\u015flamak m\u0131 istiyorsun?", "this is irreversible.": "bunu geri alamazs\u0131n\u0131z.", "the town's booming. word does get around.": "k\u00f6y g\u00fcr\u00fcl g\u00fcr\u00fcl i\u015fliyor. s\u00f6ylenti yay\u0131lacak.", "iron miner": "demir madencisi", "give 100": "ba\u011f\u0131\u015flayaca\u011f\u0131n miktar 100", "Export": "Expor", "A Sniper": "Keskin Ni\u015fanc\u0131", "the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with wood.": "gizemli gezgin geri d\u00f6nd\u00fc, at arabas\u0131 y\u0131\u011f\u0131nla odunla dolu.", "precise": "kusursuz sald\u0131r\u0131", "convoy": "kafile", "a thief is caught": "bir h\u0131rs\u0131z yakaland\u0131", "a beggar arrives.": "bir dilenci \u00e7\u0131kageldi.", "the strange bird is dead": "garip ku\u015f \u00f6ld\u00fc", "dangerous to be this far from the village without proper protection": "do\u011fru d\u00fcr\u00fcst koruyucu e\u015fyalar olmadan k\u00f6yden bu kadar uzakta olmak baya tehlikeli", "the grass thrashes wildly as a huge lizard pushes through": "h\u0131\u015f\u0131rdayan \u00e7al\u0131lardan vah\u015fi ve dev bir kertenkele f\u0131rlad\u0131", "medicine is needed immediately.": "acil olarak ila\u00e7 gerekiyor.", "give 1 medicine": "1 tane ila\u00e7 ba\u011f\u0131\u015fla", "the old compass is dented and dusty, but it looks to work.": "eski pusula paslanm\u0131\u015f ve tozlanm\u0131\u015f, ama \u00e7al\u0131\u015f\u0131r durumda g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor.", "wood": "odun", "lodge": "av kl\u00fcbesi", "a scout stops for the night": "bir g\u00f6zc\u00fc gecelemek i\u00e7in u\u011frad\u0131", "a gunshot rings through the trees.": "silah sesi a\u011fa\u00e7lar\u0131n aras\u0131nda yank\u0131land\u0131.", "somewhere above the debris cloud, the wanderer fleet hovers. been on this rock too long.": "y\u0131k\u0131nt\u0131 bulutunun \u00fczerinde bir yerlerde, gezginlerin filosu havada s\u00fcz\u00fcl\u00fcyor. bu yerde \u00e7ok fazla kald\u0131lar.", "iron mine": "demir madencisi", "freezing": "dondurucu", "the world fades": "bay\u0131ld\u0131n", "some of the traps have been torn apart.": "tuzaklar\u0131n baz\u0131lar\u0131 par\u00e7alanm\u0131\u015f.", "not enough iron": "demir yetmiyor", "compass": "pusula", "bring your friends.": "arkada\u015flar\u0131n\u0131 davet et.", "a mysterious wanderer arrives": "gizemli bir gezgin \u00e7\u0131ka geldi", "leather": "deri", "investigate": "ara\u015ft\u0131r", "the cave narrows a few feet in.": "ma\u011fara bika\u00e7 metre sonra daral\u0131yor.", "sword is sharp. good protection out in the wilds.": "k\u0131l\u0131\u00e7 keskindir. vah\u015fi do\u011fada seni koruyacakt\u0131r.", "A Damp Cave": "Ma\u011fara", "a gaunt man approaches, a crazed look in his eye": "s\u0131ska bir adam yakla\u015f\u0131yor, g\u00f6zleri deli gibi bak\u0131yor", "A Military Raid": "Askeri Bask\u0131n", "the walls are moist and moss-covered": "duvarlar \u0131slak ve yosunla kapl\u0131", "not enough wood": "odun yetmiyor", "close": "kapat", "strange scales": "garip kabuklar", "learned to throw punches with purpose": "amaca y\u00f6nelik yumruk atmay\u0131 \u00f6\u011frendin", "a shack stands at the center of the village.": "k\u00f6y\u00fcn ortas\u0131nda bir kl\u00fcbe duruyor.", "spare him": "adam\u0131 ba\u011f\u0131\u015fla", "he smiles warmly and asks for lodgings for the night.": "s\u0131cak bir \u015fekilde g\u00fcl\u00fcmsedi ge geceleyin kalacak yer olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 sordu.", "stealthy": "gizlenici", "weapons": "silahlar", "the man is thankful.": "adam sana minnetar oldu\u011funu s\u00f6yledi", "A Shivering Man": "Titreyen Adam", "available": "m\u00fcsait", "shares what he knows about sneaking before he goes.": "gitmeden \u00f6nce gizlenme ile ilgili bildiklerini payla\u015ft\u0131.", "the rest bury them.": "geriye kalanlar \u00f6lenleri g\u00f6m\u00fcyor.", "smoldering": "duman \u00e7\u0131karmadan yan\u0131yor", "A Tiny Village": "K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck Bir K\u00f6y", "Mesosphere": "Mesosfer", "a snarling beast leaps out of the underbrush": "h\u0131rlayan bir yarat\u0131k, a\u011fac\u0131n alt\u0131ndaki \u00e7al\u0131lardan f\u0131rlad\u0131", "got it": "anlad\u0131m", "l armour": "der. z\u0131rh", "steelworks": "\u00e7elikhane", "Noises": "G\u00fcr\u00fclt\u00fcler", "trees loom on the horizon. grasses gradually yield to a forest floor of dry branches and fallen leaves.": "a\u011fa\u00e7lar ufukta belli belirsiz g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor. bitki \u00f6rt\u00fcs\u00fc gitgide, orman\u0131n kurumu\u015f dallar\u0131na ve d\u00fc\u015fm\u00fc\u015f yapraklarla kar\u0131\u015fmaya ba\u015flad\u0131.", "baited trap": "yemlenm\u0131\u015f tuzak", "cancel": "iptal", "put the save code here.": "kaydetme kodunu buraya gir.", "buy medicine": "1 tane ila\u00e7", "hang him": "adam\u0131 as", "this spear's not elegant, but it's pretty good at stabbing": "bu kemik u\u00e7lu m\u0131zrak pek sa\u011flam de\u011fil, ama iyi saplanaca\u011f\u0131 ortada", "land blows more often": "yerden daha s\u0131k darbe vuruyorsun", "gatherer": "toplay\u0131c\u0131", "the night is silent.": "gece sessiz.", "never go thirsty again": "bi daha susuz kalmayacaks\u0131n", "learned to love the dry air": "kuru havay\u0131 sevmeyi \u00f6\u011frendin", "workshop": "e\u015fya at\u00f6lyesi", "A Barren World": "\u00c7orak bir D\u00fcnya", "see farther": "daha uza\u011f\u0131 g\u00f6rebilirsin", "the ground is littered with scraps of cloth": "kuma\u015flar yerlere sa\u00e7\u0131lm\u0131\u015f", "A Large Village": "B\u00fcy\u00fck Bir K\u00f6y", "precision": "kusursuz sald\u0131r\u0131", "starvation sets in": "a\u00e7l\u0131k ba\u015fg\u00f6sterdi", "the sickness spreads through the village.": "salg\u0131n hastal\u0131k k\u00f6ye yay\u0131l\u0131yor.", "won't say from where he came, but it's clear that he's not staying.": "nereden geldi\u011fini s\u00f6ylemedi, yerle\u015fmeye gelmedi\u011fi \u00e7ok a\u00e7\u0131k", "the wanderer takes the charm and nods slowly.": "gezgin muskay\u0131 ald\u0131 ve yava\u015f\u00e7a ba\u015f\u0131n\u0131 e\u011fdi.", "the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with furs.": "gizemli gezgin geri d\u00f6nd\u00fc, at arabas\u0131 y\u0131\u011f\u0131nla k\u00fcrk dolu.", "armoury": "cephanelik", "safer here": "buras\u0131 daha g\u00fcvenli", "Export / Import": "Export/Import", "fur": "k\u00fcrk", "the man-eater is dead": "insan-yiyen \u00f6ld\u00fc", "learned to swing weapons with force": "ate\u015fsiz silahlar\u0131 daha g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc kullanabiliyosun", "a crudely made charm": "kabaca yap\u0131lm\u0131\u015f muska", "cask": "f\u0131\u00e7\u0131", "engine:": "motor:", "lizard": "kertenkele", "Sulphur Mine": "S\u00fclf\u00fcr Madeni", "export or import save data to dropbox datastorage": "datay\u0131 yedeklemek i\u00e7in export veya import edin", "the metallic tang of wanderer afterburner hangs in the air.": "gezgin motorundan yay\u0131lan metalik koku, havaya kar\u0131\u015f\u0131yor.", "large prints lead away, into the forest.": "dev izler, ormana do\u011fru ilerliyor.", "a startled beast defends its home": "\u00fcrkek bir yarat\u0131k evini koruyor", "his time here, now, is his penance.": "\u015fimdi onun zaman\u0131, \u015fu an, onun kefareti.", "hull:": "g\u00f6vde:", "scavenger": "ya\u011fmac\u0131", "unarmed master": "silahs\u0131z d\u00f6v\u00fc\u015f ustas\u0131", "the man says he's grateful. says he won't come around any more.": "adam minettar oldu\u011funu s\u00f6yl\u00fcyor. bir daha etrafta dola\u015fmayaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 s\u00f6yledi.", "laser rifle": "lazer silah\u0131", "sulphur mine": "s\u00fclf\u00fcr madencisi", "buy compass": "pusula sat\u0131n al", "buy map": "harita sat\u0131n al", "scratching noises can be heard from the store room.": "depodan t\u0131rmalama sesleri geliyor.", "steel sword": "\u00e7elik k\u0131l\u0131\u00e7", "asks for any spare furs to keep him warm at night.": "geceleyin kullanmak i\u00e7in fazla k\u00fcrk \u00f6d\u00fcn\u00e7 al\u0131p alamayaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 sordu.", "A Raucous Village": "G\u00fcr\u00fclt\u00fcl\u00fc Bir K\u00f6y", "the beggar expresses his thanks.": "dilenci minnetlerini sundu.", "carrying more means longer expeditions to the wilds": "daha fazla e\u015fya ta\u015f\u0131mak daha uzun seferlere \u00e7\u0131kabilece\u011fin anlam\u0131na geliyor", "free {0}/{1}": "bo\u015f yer {0}/{1}", "Room": "Oda", "rotting reeds rise out of the swampy earth.": "\u00e7\u00fcr\u00fcyen sazlar batakl\u0131\u011f\u0131n y\u00fczeyinden y\u00fckseliyor.", "armoury's done, welcoming back the weapons of the past.": "cephanelik haz\u0131r, ge\u00e7mi\u015fteki silahlar kullan\u0131ma haz\u0131r.", "A Damp Cave": "Rutubetli bir Ma\u011fara", "slow metabolism": "a\u011f\u0131r kanl\u0131", "the mouth of the cave is wide and dark.": "ma\u011faran\u0131n a\u011f\u0131z\u0131 geni\u015f ve i\u00e7erisi karanl\u0131k.", "not enough sulphur": "k\u00fcrk yetmiyor", "builder's not sure he's to be trusted.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131, onun g\u00fcvenilir olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131ndan emin de\u011fil.", "evasion": "gizlilik", "buy bait": "yem sat\u0131n al", "builder": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131", "waterskin": "su kesesi", "scattered teeth": "bir s\u00fcr\u00fc di\u015f", "buy:": "sat\u0131n al:", "a weathered family takes up in one of the huts.": "zavall\u0131 bir aile kl\u00fcbelerden birine yerle\u015fti", "stores": "malzemeler", "now the nomads have a place to set up shop, they might stick around a while": "\u015fimdi g\u00f6\u00e7ebeler d\u00fckkan kurabilecekleri bir yere sahip, atrafta biraz dolanacaklar", "the trees are gone. parched earth and blowing dust are poor replacements.": "a\u011fa\u00e7lar yokoldu. s\u0131caktan kavrulmu\u015f d\u00fcnya ve r\u00fczgarda u\u00e7u\u015fan tozlar a\u011fa\u00e7lar\u0131n yerini ald\u0131.", "armour": "z\u0131rh", "A Man-Eater": "Bir \u0130nsan-Yiyen", "builder says it'd be useful to have a steady source of bullets": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 istikrarl\u0131 olarak mermi \u00fcretmenin daha kullan\u0131\u015fl\u0131 olaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 s\u00f6yledi", "the compass points south": "pusula g\u00fcneyi g\u00f6steriyor", "the compass points north": "pusula kuzeyi g\u00f6steriyor.", "The Sick Man": "Hasta Adam", "yes": "evet", "martial artist": "d\u00f6v\u00fc\u015f sanat\u00e7\u0131s\u0131", "builder says she can make traps to catch any creatures might still be alive out there": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 d\u0131\u015f d\u00fcnyada ya\u015fayan varl\u0131klar\u0131 yakalayabilmek i\u00e7in tuzaklar haz\u0131rlayabilece\u011fini s\u00f6yledi", "the compass points northeast": "pusula kuzeydo\u011fuyu g\u00f6steriyor", "he begs for medicine.": "biraz ila\u00e7 alabilmek i\u00e7in yalvar\u0131yor.", "save": "kaydet", "this waterskin'll hold a bit of water, at least": "bu su kesesi, en az\u0131ndan, biraz su sa\u011flayacakt\u0131r", "turn him away": "geri g\u00f6nder", "shivering man": "titreyen adam", "The Mysterious Wanderer": "Gizemli Gezgin", "A Huge Lizard": "Dev bir Kertenkele", "boxer": "boks\u00f6r", "An Outpost": "Karakol", "not enough meat": "deri yetmiyor", "some weird metal he picked up on his travels.": "gezdi\u011fi yerlerden buldu\u011fu tuhaf bir metal.", "something's in there.": "i\u00e7erde birisi var.", "restore more health when eating": "yemek yiyerek daha fazla iyile\u015f", "A Snarling Beast": "H\u0131rlayan bir Yarat\u0131k", "A Strange Bird": "Garip bir Ku\u015f", "Share": "Payla\u015f", "a haze falls over the village as the steelworks fires up": "\u00e7elikhanenin ate\u015finden y\u00fckselen puslu hava k\u00f6y\u00fc kaplad\u0131", "an old wanderer sits inside, in a seeming trance.": "ya\u015fl\u0131 bir gezgin i\u00e7eride oturuyor, sanki transa ge\u00e7mi\u015f gibi.", "builder says the villagers could make steel, given the tools": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 do\u011fru e\u015fyalarla, k\u00f6yl\u00fclerin \u00e7elik \u00fcretebileceklerini s\u00f6yledi", "continue": "devam et", "there is no more water": "hi\u00e7 su kalmad\u0131", "flickering": "titreyerek yan\u0131yor", "go back inside": "i\u00e7eri gir", "save this.": "bunu kaydet.", "dead": "\u00f6l\u00fc", "not far from the village lies a large beast, its fur matted with blood.": "evden pek de uzak olmayan bir mesafede, dev bir yarat\u0131k ya\u015f\u0131yor, k\u00fcrk\u00fc kanla kapl\u0131.", "s armour": "\u00e7. z\u0131rh", "say he should be strung up as an example.": "\u00f6rnek olmas\u0131 i\u00e7in dara\u011fc\u0131na as\u0131lmas\u0131 gerekti\u011fi s\u00f6yleniyor.", "A Ruined Trap": "Bozulmu\u015f Tuzak", "not enough coal": "k\u00f6m\u00fcr yetmiyor", "slash": "kes", "builder says she can make a cart for carrying wood": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 odun ta\u015f\u0131yabilmek i\u00e7in at arabas\u0131 yapabilce\u011fini s\u00f6yledi", "leather's not strong. better than rags, though.": "deri \u00e7ok dayanmaz. ama pa\u00e7avra giysilerden iyidir.", "builder stokes the fire": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 ate\u015fi canland\u0131rd\u0131", "say goodbye": "veda et", "A Silent Forest": "Sessiz bir Orman", "builder's not sure she's to be trusted.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131, onun g\u00fcvenilir olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131ndan emin de\u011fil.", "the point is made. in the next few days, the missing supplies are returned.": "mesaj g\u00f6nderildi. birka\u00e7 g\u00fcn sonra kay\u0131p malzemeler geri geldi.", "the plague rips through the village.": "veba k\u00f6y\u00fc kas\u0131p kavuruyor", "an old wanderer arrives.": "ya\u015fl\u0131 bir gezgin \u00e7\u0131kageldi.", "the compass points southwest": "pusula g\u00fcneybat\u0131y\u0131 g\u00f6steriyor", "the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with wood": "gezgin odun dolu at arabas\u0131 ile k\u00f6yden ayr\u0131ld\u0131", "Dropbox Export / Import": "Export/Import", "a man hobbles up, coughing.": "topllayarak y\u00fcr\u00fcyen ve \u00f6ks\u00fcren bir adam yakla\u015ft\u0131.", "i armour": "dem. z\u0131rh", "The Scout": "G\u00f6zc\u00fc", "leaves a pile of small scales behind.": "arkas\u0131nda kabuklardan bir y\u0131\u011f\u0131n b\u0131rakt\u0131.", "pockets": "cep", "stab": "m\u0131zra\u011f\u0131 sapla", "the ground is littered with small scales": "kabuklar yerlere sa\u00e7\u0131lm\u0131\u015f", "iron's stronger than leather": "demir, deriden daha g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc", "a nomad arrives, looking to trade": "bir g\u00f6\u00e7ebe \u00e7\u0131kageldi, ticaret yapmak istiyor", "black powder and bullets, like the old days.": "barut ve mermi, eski g\u00fcnlerdeki gibi.", "restart the game?": "Oyun tekrar ba\u015flamak m\u0131 istiyorsun?", "gastronome": "yemek uzman\u0131", "A Ruined City": "Y\u0131k\u0131k \u015eehir", "energy cell": "enerji \u00fcreteci", "the compass points west": "pusula bat\u0131y\u0131 g\u00f6steriyor.", "a scavenger draws close, hoping for an easy score": "ya\u011fmac\u0131 yak\u0131nla\u015ft\u0131, kolay av oldu\u011funu umuyor", "Sickness": "Salg\u0131n Hastal\u0131k", "build:": "in\u015fa et:", "signout": "g\u00f6rmezden gel", "A Beast Attack": "Kocaman Bir Yarat\u0131k Sald\u0131rd\u0131", "Ready to Leave?": "Buray\u0131 Terk Etmeye Haz\u0131r M\u0131s\u0131n?", "time to get out of this place. won't be coming back.": "burdan ayr\u0131lma zaman\u0131. geri gelmiyoruz.", "the compass points northwest": "pusula kuzeybat\u0131y\u0131 g\u00f6steriyor", "the thirst becomes unbearable": "susuzluk dayan\u0131lmaz boyutlarda", "a beggar arrives": "bir dilenci \u00e7\u0131kageldi", "he leaves a reward.": "arkas\u0131nda bir \u00f6d\u00fcl b\u0131rakt\u0131.", "the scout says she's been all over.": "\u0130zci heryeri dola\u015ft\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 s\u00f6yledi.", "cloth": "kuma\u015f", "Troposphere": "Troposfer", "squeeze": "suyunu \u00e7\u0131kar", "scraps of fur": "k\u00fcrk par\u00e7alar\u0131", "the wind howls outside": "r\u00fczgar d\u0131\u015farda u\u011fulduyor", "the wagon can carry a lot of supplies": "bu at arabas\u0131 baya bi e\u015fya ta\u015f\u0131yacakt\u0131r", "A Battlefield": "Sava\u015f Alan\u0131", "the shivering man is dead": "titreyen adam \u00f6ld\u00fc", "builder finishes the smokehouse. she looks hungry.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 t\u00fcts\u00fchanenin yap\u0131m\u0131n\u0131 bitirdi. karn\u0131 a\u00e7 g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor.", "the barrens break at a sea of dying grass, swaying in the arid breeze.": "kurak esinti sayesinde, \u00f6len bitki \u00f6rt\u00fcs\u00fc denizinde \u00e7orak alanlar ortaya \u00e7\u0131kt\u0131.", "agree": "hemfikir ol", "the forest is silent.": "orman sessiz.", "Space": "Uzay", "Thermosphere": "Termosfer", "5 medicine": "5 tane ila\u00e7", "do nothing": "hi\u00e7 bir\u015fey yapma", "A Gaunt Man": "S\u0131ska bir Adam", "Outside": "D\u0131\u015far\u0131s\u0131", "the snarling beast is dead": "h\u0131rlayan yarat\u0131k \u00f6ld\u00fc", "no": "hay\u0131r", "{0} per {1}s": "{0} / {1}", "track them": "pe\u015flerine d\u00fc\u015f", "Exosphere": "Exosfer", "he speaks of once leading the great fleets to fresh worlds.": "yeni d\u00fcnyalara giden filolar\u0131 komuta etti\u011finden bahsediyor.", "builder says there are more wanderers. says they'll work, too.": "yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 etrafta daha fazla gezginlerin oldu\u011funu ve onlar\u0131n da \u00e7al\u0131\u015faca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 s\u00f6yledi", "evasive": "\u00e7eviklik", "an old wanderer arrives": "ya\u015fl\u0131 bir gezgin \u00e7\u0131kageldi", "through the walls, shuffling noises can be heard.": "g\u00fcr\u00fclt\u00fcler, duvarlardan duyulabiliyor.", "melee weapons deal more damage": "ate\u015fsiz silahlar daha fazla zarar verir", "the compass points ": "pusulan\u0131n g\u00f6sterdi\u011fi y\u00f6n :", "the man swallows the medicine eagerly": "adam ilac\u0131 sevinerek yuttu", "the days are spent with burials.": "g\u00fcnler boyunca cenazeler d\u00fczenlendi.", "more traps to catch more creatures": "daha fazla hayvan yakalayabilmek i\u00e7in daha fazla tuzak kurmal\u0131s\u0131n", "bullets": "mermi", "the light from the fire spills from the windows, out into the dark": "ate\u015ften yay\u0131lan \u0131\u015f\u0131k, pencerelerden karanl\u0131\u011fa uzan\u0131yor", "tell him to leave": "\u00e7ekip gitmesini s\u00f6yle", "dry brush and dead branches litter the forest floor": "kuru \u00e7al\u0131lar ve \u00f6l\u00fc dallar, ormandaki bitki \u00f6rt\u00fcs\u00fcn\u00fc kirletiyor", "tattered cloth": "y\u0131rt\u0131k kuma\u015flar", "tanner": "derici", "should cure the meat, or it'll spoil. builder says she can fix something up.": "eti t\u00fcts\u00fclemek gerekiyor, ya da bozulup gidecek. yap\u0131 ustas\u0131 bi \u00e7aresine bakaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 s\u00f6yledi.", "or migrating computers": "ya da bilgisayarlar aras\u0131nda ta\u015f\u0131mak i\u00e7in", "water:{0}": "su:{0}", "teeth": "di\u015f", "villagers could help hunt, given the means": "k\u00f6yl\u00fcler, ellerindeki imkanlarla, avlanmaya yard\u0131mc\u0131 olabilir"});