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Deliver with Ketch

Ketch is an application delivery framework that facilitates the deployment and management of applications on Kubernetes using a simple command line interface.


A script to prepare a fresh, generic cluster with these requirements is provided in


Ketch delivers an app by associating it with a framework and a buildpack builder. The framework describes the target environment where the app will be deployed; the buildpack builder determines how source is built into a runnable image.

Add framework

Ketch relies on frameworks to define deployment configuration for a set of apps. Add a framework with the following command, replacing --ingress-service-endpoint with the external address of a LoadBalancer if available.

ketch framework add framework1 \
    --namespace podtato-ketch \
    --app-quota-limit '-1' \
    --cluster-issuer selfsigned-cluster-issuer \
    --ingress-class-name istio \
    --ingress-type istio \
    --ingress-service-endpoint ''

Deploy app

Ketch can build and deploy an app from source using cloud-native buildpacks or can deploy a pre-built container image.

From source

  • Include a Procfile in the source directory. It may be empty.
  • Create a secret for the registry where the built image will be pushed to after build and pulled from for deploy (official docs). Reference that secret in the ketch command as parameter --registry-secret.
  • Clone this repo and run the following command, replacing registry-secret and image repo hostname as appropriate:
ketch app deploy podtato-head ${root_dir}/podtato-head-server \
    --registry-secret quay \
    --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:full \
    --framework framework1 \

From image

Deploy an app image without build with the following command:

ketch app deploy podtato-head-image \
    --image \
    --framework framework1


Verify delivery

List all apps, get info or get logs for an app:

ketch app list
ketch app info podtato-head
ketch app log podtato-head

Test the API endpoint

Browse to the address returned by the previous commands ending in to open your app.

NOTE: The address returned for the app can be directly opened if the istio-ingressgateway service is available via a service of type LoadBalancer. If the ingress gateway is exposed as a NodePort that port will have to be appended to the hostname. Get the port with the following command:

kubectl get services -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}'

Additional acceptable host names can be added to the application with the command that follows. You must configure DNS for the new name yourself.

ketch cname add --app podtato-head


Run ketch app deploy again. Specify --steps and --step-interval parameters to deploy gradually (canary style).


Run the following commands to remove the app and ketch controller from your cluster.

ketch app remove podtato-head
ketch app remove podtato-head-image
ketch framework remove framework1

kubectl delete -f${ketch_version}/ketch-controller.yaml