AsakusaSatellite is a realtime chat application for Developers.
- @suer
- @mallowlabs
- @mzp
- Ruby 1.8.7
- RubyGems 1.4.2 or later
- Bundler 1.0.7 or later
- MongoDB 1.8.1 or later
AsakusaSatellite needs mongod.
$ mongod --dbpath <dir_name>
$ cp config/filter.yml.example config/filter.yml
$ cp config/websocket.yml.example config/websocket.yml
$ cp config/settings.yml.example config/settings.yml
$ cp config/mongoid.yml.example config/mongoid.yml
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ cp bleis-hooks/* .git/hooks
$ bundle exec rails server
access to http://localhost:3000/
$ rake groonga:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
$ ruby spec/{controller,model}/$(name)_spec.rb
$ rake spec
$ rake spec:rcov
create .autotest file
require 'autotest/timestamp'
require 'autotest/growl'
run autotest task
$ bundle exec autotest
$ rails g as_filter test
edit filies
- vendor/plugins/as_test_filter/lib/test_filter.rb
- vendor/plugins/as_test_filter/spec/lib/test_filter_spec.rb
edit config/filters.yml
- name: test_filter
Very cute icons: mini icons -
Cool sound: On-Jin
Do not redestribute the sound file.