This module performs the following:
- In routing operations, a boolean flag 'Limited Production Capacity' is added.
- In machine object, two fields, Capacity per Cycle Max. and Capacity per Cycle Min are added
- In the MO, when selecting a routing, the quantity to manufacture is assigned by default based on the capacity per cycle of the machine defined in the routing.
- If the user manually switches the quantity to be produced, a verification is made that such quantity is actually between the minimum and maximum machine default values, and if not ... a warning is raised.
- In WO, a function is added which verifies whether the amount of the WO is between the capabilities of the new machine assigned to it, if not ... a warning is raised that the user has to change the quantity in the WO.
- Pedro M. Baeza <[email protected]>
- Ana Juaristi <[email protected]>
- Alfredo de la Fuente <[email protected]>