- Lagos, Nigeria
- josiah.com.ng
- @josiahoyahaya
Minimal Laravel authentication scaffolding with Blade, Vue, or React + Tailwind.
Tailwind scaffolding for the Laravel framework.
Automatic multi-tenancy for Laravel. No code changes needed.
A Tailwind CSS frontend preset for the Laravel Framework
🔰 Instant PHP quality checks from your console
Remove tests & documentation from the vendor dir and minify all php files
A demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works.
Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Pragmatically search through models and other sources
A simple and clean CRUD PHP library for Google Firebase datastore
Ajax support of DataTables (Laravel 5.5 to Laravel 11.x)
Awesome Command Line Tool for speeding up your package creation.
A Multitenant App for Employees Mangement and Available Jobs (WIP) - Built with Django Multitenancy, DRF & VueJS...
6,000 past questions API end points for POST-UTME, UTME, WASSCE, NECO questions
Generate entity relation diagrams from your Laravel model files.
🚀 A pure PHP server and client for the tus resumable upload protocol v1.0.0
Give thanks to PHP - An open letter of gratitude to PHP.
Add schemaless attributes to Eloquent models
💻 Send notifications to your desktop directly from your PHP script