Freeciv-web is an open-source turn-based strategy game. It’s built entirely in HTML5 and features in-depth game-play and a wide variety of game modes and options. Your goal is to build cities, collect resources, organize your government, and build an army, with the ultimate goal of creating the best civilization. You can play online against other players (multiplayer) or play by yourself against the computer.
Freeciv-web is is free and open source software. The Freeciv C server is released under the GNU General Public License, while the Freeciv-web client is released under the GNU Affero General Public License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Freeciv-web is now playable online at
Contact: The Freeciv Project - [email protected]
The Freeciv Web client consists of these components:
freeciv - a fork of the main Freeciv C client and server.
freeciv-proxy - a HTTP proxy which allows web client users to connect to Freeciv civservers. The proxy is a HTTP and WebSocket server, and proxy between web browsers and civservers.
freeciv-web - a Java web application for the Freeciv web client. This application is a Java web application which consists of HTML, Javascript, images and JSP files which make up the application viewed in each user's web browser.
freeciv-img-extract - extracts the images of the Freeciv tileset, and generates a version for the web. This produces a tileset PNG and Javascript. Run this to sync with the upstream Freeciv SVN repository.
publite2 - a simple way to launch multiple civservers.
Freeciv-web can be setup using Vagrant on VirtualBox to quickly create a local developer image running Freeciv-web on Ubuntu 13.10 on your host operating system such as Windows, OSX or Linux.
Install VirtualBox:
Install Vagrant:
Install Git: then check out Freeciv-web from git to a directory on your computer, by running these two git commands:
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git clone
- Run Vagrant with the following commands in your Freeciv-web directory from step 3:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
This will build, compile, install and run Freeciv-web on the virtual server image. Wait for the installation process to complete, watching for any error messages in the logs.
- (Skip this step if you run Windows) For Linux or OS X, then you need to setup a SSH tunnel to port 80 like this:
sudo ssh -p 2222 -gNfL 80:localhost:80 vagrant@localhost -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
Then test Freeciv-web by pointing your browser to http://localhost/ on your host operating system.
To log in to your Vagrant server, run the command:
vagrant ssh
Note that running Freeciv-web using Vagrant requires about 4Gb of memory and 3 Gb of harddisk space.
Install this software if you are not running Freeciv-web with Vagrant:
Resin 4.0.38 -
Java 7 JDK -
Python 3.3 -
Pillow v2.3.0 (PIL fork) - (required for freeciv-img-extract)
Mysql 5.5.x -
Maven 2 -
Firebug for debugging -
Closure Compiler - (Bundled in source code, no need to download.)
curl-7.19.7 -
OpenSSL -
nginx 1.5.10 -
pngcrush, required for freeciv-img-extract.
Tornado 3.2 -
GLib 2.16.0 or newer -
Jansson 2.5 -
When not using Vagrant, or with other Linux distributions, follow this manual installation procedure to setup Freeciv-web:
Checkout Freeciv-web from github to ~/freeciv-build
Install the system requirements.
Create mysql database called 'freeciv_web' Import mysql tables into a MySQL database from: freeciv-web/src/main/webapp/meta/private/metaserver.sql
Get, prepare, and build freeciv server:
cd freeciv ./
Install Freeciv. This involves running the following commands:
cd freeciv/freeciv make install (as root user)
copy freeciv-web/freeciv/data/fcweb to /usr/local/share/freeciv
Build and configure freeciv-web.
- Run and in freeciv-img-extract
- Run in the scripts/ directory.
- Edit /freeciv-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/resin-web.xml.dist, rename this file to resin-web.xml, and update the values for your MySQL database.
- Run '' in the freeciv-web directory
- Copy nginx configuration file from publite2/nginx/freeciv-web to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ and edit to suit your needs.
Start and stop Freeciv-web with the following commands: scripts/ scripts/
Also: Set ulimit -n 65535 in /etc/profile and add some TCP/IP tuning in /etc/sysctrl.conf
If you want to contibute to Freeciv-web, see the TODO file for some tasks you can work on.
Andreas Røsdal
Marko Lindqvist
and the project!