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Z80 Processor in Java

Z80Processor is a an implementation of the Mostek / Zilog Z80 processor in Java

The code is not designed to be nice / clean / compact - however it is designed to be fast. It has been heavily profiled using Yourkit while running 'real' applications to identify hotspots.

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gradlew clean build test


./gradlew clean build test

The build may take a few minutes as it includes a comprehensive test suite for the Z80 instruction set.

Using Jenkins

The project includes a Jenkins file to control a pipeline build. At present the available version of the Jacoco plugin (2.0.1 at time of writing) does not support a 'publisher'. The build was tested using a hand built plugin from the master branch of the project

Include Using Maven

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Include Using Gradle

compile group: 'com.codingrodent.microprocessor', name: 'Z80Processor', version: '3.2.0'

Undocumented instruction

The code attempts to faithfully reproduce the numerous undocumented instructions in the Z80. I have tested against a real device but if you find any issues, let me know.

How to make a machine

To make a machine you need three components, the CPU, Memory and I/O. To see a simple example, look at the test in