The application stores recorded information in DynamoDB. Entries are partitioned by date and ordered by minute in day. The data is written by a simple Lambda which receives raw JSON from an IoT device topic.
The data is formatted as below:
"caldate": "27-08-2018",
"calminute": 4,
"msg-id": "c7f07595-a4a2-4442-af90-2003282efe16",
"pihum0": "89.57",
"pipress0": "997.54",
"pitemp0": "16.27"
The fields in the JSON are defined as:
Field | Definition |
caldate | Date of data capture, format DD-MM-YYYY |
calminute | Minute of capture day, range 0..1440 |
msg-id | Unique message identifier, UUID |
pihum0 | Humidity value, % range 0.0..100.00 |
pipress0 | Pressure value, range 300..1100 hPa) |
pitemp0 | Temperatue value, range -40…85°C |
The table to hold the IoT data is defined as a simple key/value mapping with the following structure:
Details | Value |
Table Name | aws-iot-java |
Primary partition key | caldate (String) |
Primary sort key | calminute (Number) |
This allows the data to be selected on a day to day basis, ordered by capture time.
Command: aws dynamodb create-table --table-name <schema file name>.json
Schema file: