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Elixir client for the Confluent Schema Registry.

It implements the full REST API.

It uses the Tesla HTTP client library. This supports HTTP authentication and other configuration flexibility, e.g. selecting the underlying HTTP library (e.g. Hackney) and SSL.

It includes an ETS cache for results of schema lookups.

Thanks to Schemex for inspiration.


First create a client:

client = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.client(base_url: "")

In the Kafka wire format, the data is prefixed by magic byte 0 to indicate that it is using the schema registry, then four bytes for the schema id, then the data.


On startup, a producer looks up the version of the schema matching the subject associated with the topic it is writing on. It encodes the data to binary format using the schema, then appends the schema id to the binary and sends it to Kafka.

There are a couple of different options for how to get the schema, depending on the policy and permissions for updating schemas.

is_registered/3 checks if a schema has already been registered under the specified subject. If so, it returns the registration.

 schema = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"test\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"field1\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"field2\",\"type\":\"int\"}]}"
case ConfluentSchemaRegistry.is_registered(client, "test", schema) do
  {:ok, reg} ->
    # Found
    schema = reg["schema"]
    schema_id = reg["id"]
  {:error, 404, %{"error_code" => 40401}} ->
    # Subject not found
  {:error, 404, %{"error_code" => 40403}} ->
    # Schema not found
  {:error, code, reason} ->
    # Other error

If the schema hasn't been registered, then the producer can attempt to register it using register_schema/3. If it is successful, it returns the schema id. It can be called multiple times, and will return the same schema id.

case ConfluentSchemaRegistry.register_schema(client, "test", schema) do
  {:ok, schema_id} ->
    # Already registered
  {:error, 409, reason} ->
    # Conflict -- Incompatible Avro schema
  {:error, 422, reason} ->
    # Unprocessable Entity, Invalid Avro schema
  {:error, code, reason} ->
    # Other error

Another option is to use get_schema/3 to read the latest registered schema for the subject. You might do this when schema registrations are manually managed.

case ConfluentSchemaRegistry.get_schema(client, "test", "latest") do
  {:ok, reg} ->
    # Already registered
    schema = reg["schema"]
    schema_id = reg["id"]
  {:error, 404, %{"error_code" => 40401}} ->
    # Subject not found
  {:error, 404, %{"error_code" => 40402}} ->
    # Version not found
  {:error, 422, reason} ->
    # Unprocessable Entity, Invalid Avro version
  {:error, code, reason} ->
    # Other error


A consumer receives data, gets the schema id from the prefix, and looks it up in the registry using get_schema/1, getting the schema which was used to write it. It then decodes the binary using the schema.

{:ok, schema} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.get_schema(client, 21)


In long running processes, the schema may be updated, and we should use the latest version when reading data. The cache periodically contacts the registry to get the latest version of the schema.

Calls to the cache are serialized via the cache GenServer process. This prevents a "thundering herd" problem, where multiple processes simultaneously try to hit the registry on startup, e.g. one per topic partition.

For a consumer:

{:ok, pid} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.start_link([])
client = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.client()

# Get specific schema id, cached forever
{:ok, schema} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.get_schema(client, 21)

# Get specific latest schema for subject, cached for ttl
{:ok, reg} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.get_schema(client, "test", "latest")

For a producer:

{:ok, pid} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.start_link([])
client = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.client()

# Get result of registration test, cached forever
{:ok, reg} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.is_registered(client, "test", schema)

# Get specific latest schema for subject, cached for ttl
{:ok, reg} = ConfluentSchemaRegistry.Cache.get_schema(client, "test", "latest")


Add confluent_schema_registry to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:confluent_schema_registry, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


If you are using the cache, add it to your application's supervision tree:

Add it to your supervision tree:

children = [

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Configure the cache in config/config.exs or an environment specific file:

config :confluent_schema_registry,
  :cache_ttl: 3600,
  :cache_refresh_cycle: 60
  • cache_ttl - Time in seconds to cache lookups for "latest" schemas, default 3600
  • cache_refresh_cycle - Time in seconds to check if latest values have changed

You can also configure Tesla, e.g.:

config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Hackney