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@@ -377,4 +377,56 @@ auto sum(T1 a, T2 b) -> decltype(a + b) {
-More safer solution: <[Better `sum`](ex16_41_sum.cpp)>
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+More safer solution: <[Better `sum`](ex16_41_sum.cpp)>
+## Exercise 16.42
+> Determine the type of T and of val in each of the following calls:
+> ```cpp
+> template <typename T> void g(T&& val);
+> int i = 0; const int ci = i;
+> (a) g(i);
+> (b) g(ci);
+> (c) g(i * ci);
+> ```
+- (a) `int&`
+- (b) `const int&`
+- (c) `int`
+## Exercise 16.43
+> Using the function defined in the previous exercise, what would the template parameter of `g` be if we called `g(i = ci)`?
+## Exercise 16.44
+> Using the same three calls as in the first exercise, determine the types for `T` if `g`’s function parameter is declared as `T` (not `T&&`). What if `g`’s function parameter is `const T&`?
+Whatever `g`'s function parameter is declared as `T` or `const T&`, the `T`'s type in this three case would always `int`.
+## Exercise 16.45
+> Given the following template, explain what happens if we call `g` on a literal value such as 42. What if we call `g` on a variable of type `int`?
+> ```cpp
+> template <typename T> void g(T&& val) { vector<T> v; }
+> ```
+If we call `g` on a literal value such as 42, `T` should be `int`, and we get a tempoary variable `v`, which type is `vector<int>`. If we call `g` on a variable of type `int`, then `val` should be a lvalue, `T` should be `int&`(because `int& &&` ==> `int&`), then we would declared a `v` as `vector<int&>`. But the component type of `vector` must be [assignable](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/CopyAssignable), the references are not assignable, thus, `vector<int&>` is not allowed, the compiler would complain about it.
+## Exercise 16.46
+> Explain this loop from `StrVec::reallocate` in 13.5 (p.530):
+> ```cpp
+> for (size_t i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
+>   alloc.construct(dest++, std::move(*elem++));
+> ```
+Since C++11, [`std::allocator::construct`](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/allocator/construct)'s second parameter is `Args&&... args`. `*elem++` is a certain lvalue, and would be casted to a rvalue reference by `std::move`, then the `construct` would call the move constructor of `std::string` rather than copy constructor.
+## Exercise 16.47
+> Write your own version of the flip function and test it by calling functions that have lvalue and rvalue reference parameters.
+[flip and test](ex16_47_flip.cpp)
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- *  @file       main.cpp
- *  @author     Alan.W
- *  @date       07  Feb 2014
- *  @remark     This code is for the exercises from C++ Primer 5th Edition
- *  @note
- ***************************************************************************/
-//! Exercise 16.42:
-//! Determine the type of T and of val in each of the following calls:
-//!     template <typename T> void g(T&& val);
-//!     int i = 0; const int ci = i;
-//!     (a) g(i);
-//  since i is lvalue, T is deduced as int&, val is int& && collapsing to int&
-//!     (b) g(ci);
-//  since ci is lvaue, T is deduced as const int&, val is const int& && collapsing to const int&
-//!     (c) g(i * ci);
-//  since i * ci is rvalue, T is deduced as int&&, val is int&& && colapsing to int&&
-//! Exercise 16.43:
-//! Using the function defined in the previous exercise, what would the template
-//! parameter of g be if we called g(i = ci)?
-//      (i = ci) returns lvalue refering to the object i.
-//      Hence T is deduced as int& val is int& && .
-//      any change on val changes the object i.
-//! Exercise 16.44:
-//! Using the same three calls as in the first exercise, determine the types for T
-//! if g’s function parameter is declared as T (not T&&).
-//                                           ^
-//      g(i);       --  T is deduced as int
-//      g(ci);      --  T is deduced as int, const is ignored.
-//      g(i * ci);  --  T is deduced as int, (i * ci) returns rvalue which is copied to
-//                      T
-//! What if g’s function parameter is const T&?
-//                                    ^^^^^^^^
-//      g(i)        --  T is deduced as int  , val : const int&
-//      g(ci)       --  T is deduced as int  , val : const int&
-//      g(i * ci)   --  T is deduced as int&&, val : const int&& & collapse to const int&
-//! Exercise 16.45:
-//! Given the following template, explain what happens if we call g on a literal value
-//! such as 42. What if we call g on a variable of type int?
-//!     template <typename T> void g(T&& val) { vector<T> v; }
-//! Discussion on SO:
-//  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21624016/when-a-lvalue-is-passed-to-t-what-will-happen
-//!     relevant section from textbook:
-//! When we pass an lvalue (e.g., i) to a function parameter that is an rvalue reference to a
-//! template type parameter (e.g, T&&), the compiler deduces the template type parameter as the
-//! argument’s lvalue reference type. So, when we call f3(i), the compiler deduces the type of
-//! T as int&, not int.
-//!         --  P.688
-//! In this case, when calling on a literal value,say 42. int&& && will collapse to int&&. At last
-//! T is deduced as int. Hence std::vector<T> is instantiated as std::vector<int> which is legal.
-//! When calling on a variable int. T will be deduced as int&. int & && will collapse to int&.
-//! std::vector<int&> is not legal. The reason why int& can't be element of a vector can be found at:
-//  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922360/why-cant-i-make-a-vector-of-references
-//! Exercise 16.46:
-//! Explain this loop from StrVec::reallocate in § 13.5 (p. 530):
-//!         for (size_t i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
-//!             alloc.construct(dest++, std::move(*elem++));
-//! In each iteration, the dereference operator * returns a lvalue which is changed to rvalue by
-//! std::move ,becasue the member function construct takes rvalue reference rather than lvalue
-//! reference.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-template <typename T>
-void g(T&& val)
-    std::vector<T> v;
-int main()
-    std::allocator a;
-    a.construct
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- *  @file       main.cpp
- *  @author     Alan.W
- *  @date       07  Feb 2014
- *  @remark     This code is for the exercises from C++ Primer 5th Edition
- *  @note
- ***************************************************************************/
-//! Exercise 16.47:
-//! Write your own version of the flip function
-//! and test it by calling functions that have lvalue and rvalue reference parameters.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-void func_lvalue(std::string& lhs, std::string& rhs)
-    lhs = "Wang\n";
-    rhs = "Alan\n";
-void func_rvalue(int&& lhs, int&& rhs)
-    //! allocate enough space
-    std::allocator<int> alloc;
-    int* data(alloc.allocate(3));
-    //! move into the spaced newly allocated
-    alloc.construct(data    , lhs);
-    alloc.construct(data +1 , 0);
-    alloc.construct(data +2 , rhs);
-    //! print
-    for (auto p = data; p != data + 3;  ++p)
-        std::cout << *p << "\n";
-    //! destroy and deallocation
-    for (auto p = data +3; p != data;    )
-        alloc.destroy(--p);
-    alloc.deallocate(data,3);
-template<typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
-void flip(F f, T1&& t1, T2&& t2)
-    f(std::forward<T2>(t2), std::forward<T1>(t1));
-int main()
-    //! test for lvalue reference
-    /*
-    std::string s1, s2;
-    flip(func_lvalue, s1, s2);
-    std::cout << s1 << s2;
-    */
-    //! test for rvalue reference
-    flip(func_rvalue, 99,88);
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f684f88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ch16/ex16_47_flip.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <iostream>
+void f(int v1, int& v2)
+	std::cout << v1 << " " << ++v2 << std::endl;
+void g(int&& i, int& j)
+	std::cout << i << " " << ++j << std::endl;
+template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
+void flip(F f, T1&& t1, T2&& t2)
+	f(std::forward<T2>(t2), std::forward<T1>(t1));
+int main()
+	int j = 0;
+	flip(f, j, 42);
+	flip(g, j, 42);
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