This directory contains files and setup instructions t0 build and test JAX for ROCm in Docker environment. You can build, test and run JAX on ROCm yourself!
Install Docker: Follow the instructions on the docker website.
Build JAX by running the following command from JAX root folder.
./build/rocm/ --keep_image bash -c "./build/rocm/"
- Launch a container: If the build was successful, there should be a docker image with name "jax-rocm:latest" in list of docker images (use "docker images" command to list them).
sudo docker run -it --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --group-add video --entrypoint /bin/bash jax-rocm:latest
This folder has all the scripts necessary to build and run tests for JAX-ROCm. The following command will build JAX on ROCm and run all the tests inside docker (script should be called from JAX root folder).
./build/rocm/ bash -c "./build/rocm/"