This tool is used for gathering the Lexile level, Atos(AR) level, and AR Points of books via their ISBN.
It uses the isbn package to validate the ISBN, along with the playwright-go package to find the results in a headless browser. This does take quite a while depending on your internet connection, but unfortunatly since Lexile's Find A Book requires Javascript, and ARBookFinder is a collection of ASPX pages, there is currently no workaround.
In order to use this in the terminal, you will first have to add the parent folder to your path, found in Environment Variables.
Usage: lexos <ISBN> [--raw, --ln, --install]
: Print the raw numbers to the output, without labels (Prints in order: Lexile Level, Atos Level, AR Points, as well as printing -1 if the result cannot be found)
: Seperates the outputs with a new line
: Installs the necessary driver and browser to run. This argument is required if it has not already been run, otherwise the program will throw an error.