This project provides a Swift wrapper of MapReduce History Server REST API:
: access to all applications on map / reduce history server.
To connect to your Hadoop Map / Reduce History server by Perfect, initialize a MapReduceHistory()
object with sufficient parameters:
// this connection could possibly do some basic operations
let history = MapReduceHistory(host: "", port: 19888)
or connect to Hadoop Map / Reduce History server with a valid user name:
// add user name if need
let history = MapReduceHistory(host: "", port: 19888, user: "your user name")
If using Kerberos to authenticate, please try codes below:
// set auth to kerberos
let history = MapReduceHistory(host: "", port: 19888, user: "username", auth: .krb5)
Item | Data Type | Description |
service | String | the service protocol of web request - http / https |
host | String | the hostname or ip address of the Hadoop Map Reduce history server host |
port | Int | the port of host, default is 19888 |
auth | Authorization | .off or .krb5. Default value is .off |
proxyUser | String | proxy user, if applicable |
apibase | String | use this parameter ONLY the target server has a different api routine other than /ws/v1/history |
timeout | Int | timeout in seconds, zero means never timeout during transfer |
Call checkInfo()
to get the general information of a Hadoop MapReduce History Server in form of a MapReduceHistory.Info
guard let inf = try history.checkInfo() else {
// something goes wrong here
Item | Data Type | Description |
startedOn | Int | The time the history server was started (in ms since epoch) |
hadoopVersion | String | Version of hadoop common |
hadoopBuildVersion | String | Hadoop common build string with build version, user, and checksum |
hadoopVersionBuiltOn | String | Timestamp when hadoop common was built |
Call checkJobs()
to return an array of Job
The jobs resource provides a list of the MapReduce jobs that have finished. It does not currently return a full list of parameters. The simplest form is checkJobs()
, which will return all jobs available:
let jobs = try history.checkJobs()
// or you can narrow the query result by set some parameters:
// let jobs = try his.checkJobs(state: .SUCCEEDED, queue: "default", limit: 10)
jobs.forEach { j in
Item | Data Type | Description |
user | String | user name |
state | APP.FinalStatus | the job state, i.e, UNDEFINED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED and KILLED |
queue | String | queue name |
limit | Int | total number of app objects to be returned |
startedTimeBegin | Int | jobs with start time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch |
startedTimeEnd | Int | jobs with start time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch |
finishedTimeBegin | Int | jobs with finish time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch |
finishedTimeEnd | Int | jobs with finish time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch |
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The job id |
name | String | The job name |
queue | String | The queue the job was submitted to |
user | String | The user name |
state | String | the job state - valid values are: NEW, INITED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILL_WAIT, KILLED, ERROR |
diagnostics | String | A diagnostic message |
submitTime | Int | The time the job submitted (in ms since epoch) |
startTime | Int | The time the job started (in ms since epoch) |
finishTime | Int | The time the job finished (in ms since epoch) |
mapsTotal | Int | The total number of maps |
mapsCompleted | Int | The number of completed maps |
reducesTotal | Int | The total number of reduces |
reducesCompleted | Int | The number of completed reduces |
uberized | Boolean | Indicates if the job was an uber job - ran completely in the application master |
avgMapTime | Int | The average time of a map task (in ms) |
avgReduceTime | Int | The average time of the reduce (in ms) |
avgShuffleTime | Int | The average time of the shuffle (in ms) |
avgMergeTime | Int | The average time of the merge (in ms) |
failedReduceAttempts | Int | The number of failed reduce attempts |
killedReduceAttempts | Int | The number of killed reduce attempts |
successfulReduceAttempts | Int | The number of successful reduce attempts |
failedMapAttempts | Int | The number of failed map attempts |
killedMapAttempts | Int | The number of killed map attempts |
successfulMapAttempts | Int | The number of successful map attempts |
acls | [ACL] | A collection of acls objects |
Item | Data Type | Description |
value | String | The acl value |
name | String | The acl name |
It is also possible to check a specific historical job by a job id:
let job = try history.checkJob(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005")
See [Data Structure of Job](# Data Structure of Job) as above.
When you make a request for the list of job attempts, the information will be returned as an array of job attempt objects.
guard let attempts = try history.checkJobAttempts(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005") else {
// something goes wrong
attempts.forEach { attempt in
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The job attempt id |
nodeId | String | The node id of the node the attempt ran on |
nodeHttpAddress | String | The node http address of the node the attempt ran on |
logsLink | String | The http link to the job attempt logs |
containerId | String | The id of the container for the job attempt |
startTime | Long | The start time of the attempt (in ms since epoch) |
With the job counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent al the counters for that job.
guard let js = try his.checkJobCounters(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005") else {
// something wrong
}//end guard
js.counterGroup.forEach{ group in
group.counters.forEach { counter in
}//next counter
}//next group
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The job id |
counterGroup | [CounterGroup] | An array of counter group objects |
Item | Data Type | Description |
counterGroupName | string | The name of the counter group |
counter | [Counter] | An array of counter objects |
Item | Data Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the counter |
reduceCounterValue | Int | The counter value of reduce tasks |
mapCounterValue | Int | The counter value of map tasks |
totalCounterValue | Int | The counter value of all tasks |
Use checkJobConfig()
to check configuration of a specific job:
guard let config = try his.checkJobConfig(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005") else {
/// something wrong
// print the configuration path
// check properties of configuration file
for p in {
A job configuration resource contains information about the job configuration for this job.
Item | Data Type | Description |
path | String | The path to the job configuration file |
property | [Property] | an array of property object |
Item | Data Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the configuration property |
value | String | The value of the configuration property |
source | String | The location this configuration object came from. If there is more then one of these it shows the history with the latest source at the end of the list. |
Use checkJobTasks()
to collect task information from a specific job:
// get all tasks information from a specific job
let tasks = try his.checkJobTasks(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005")
// print properties of each task
for t in tasks {
}//next t
Calling checkJobTasks()
requires a jobId all the time, however, you can also specify an extra parameter to indicate what type of tasks shall be listed in the query results:
- jobId: a string represents the id of the job
- taskType: optional, could be
The checkJobTasks()
will return an array of JobTask
data structure, as described below:
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | string | The task id |
state | String | The state of the task - valid values are: NEW, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILL_WAIT, KILLED |
type | String | The task type - MAP or REDUCE |
successfulAttempt | String | The id of the last successful attempt |
progress | Double | The progress of the task as a percent |
startTime | Int | The time in which the task started (in ms since epoch) or -1 if it was never started |
finishTime | Int | The time in which the task finished (in ms since epoch) |
elapsedTime | Int | The elapsed time since the application started (in ms) |
If both jobId
and jobTaskId
are available, you can use checkJobTask()
to perform a query on a specific job task:
guard let task = try his.checkJobTask(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005", taskId: "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0") else {
// something wrong
The return value of checkJobTask
will be a [JobTask](# JobTask Object) object, as described above.
Method checkJobTaskCounters()
can return counters of a specific task, as the example below:
guard let js = try his.checkJobTaskCounters(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005", taskId: "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0") else {
// something wrong
// print the id of the job task counters
// check out each counter group
js.taskCounterGroup.forEach{ group in
// print counters in each group.
group.counters.forEach { counter in
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The job id |
taskCounterGroup | [CounterGroup] | An array of counter group objects, See [CounterGroup](# CounterGroup Object) |
Function checkJobTaskAttempts()
can return attempts from a specific job task.
let jobTaskAttempts = try his.checkJobTaskAttempts(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005", taskId: "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0")
for attempt in jobTaskAttempts {
Once done, the checkJobTaskAttempts
will return an array of TaskAttempt
object, as described below:
Elements of the TaskAttempt object:
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The task id |
rack | String | The rack |
type | TaskType | The type of task - MAP or REDUCE |
assignedContainerId | String | The container id this attempt is assigned to |
nodeHttpAddress | String | The http address of the node this task attempt ran on |
diagnostics | String | A diagnostics message |
progress | Double | The progress of the task attempt as a percent |
startTime | Int | The time in which the task attempt started (in ms since epoch) |
finishTime | Int | The time in which the task attempt finished (in ms since epoch) |
elapsedTime | Int | The elapsed time since the task attempt started (in ms) |
Besides, For reduce task attempts you also have the following fields:
Item | Data Type | Description |
shuffleFinishTime | Int | The time at which shuffle finished (in ms since epoch) |
mergeFinishTime | Int | The time at which merge finished (in ms since epoch) |
elapsedShuffleTime | Int | The time it took for the shuffle phase to complete (time in ms between reduce task start and shuffle finish) |
elapsedMergeTime | Int | The time it took for the merge phase to complete (time in ms between the shuffle finish and merge finish) |
elapsedReduceTime | Int | The time it took for the reduce phase to complete (time in ms between merge finish to end of reduce task) |
If a taskAttempt id is available, you can also check the specific one by checkJobTaskAttempt()
, as demo below:
guard let jobTaskAttempts = try his.checkJobTaskAttempt(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005", taskId: "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0", "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0") else {
// something wrong
print("there is no such a task attempt")
}//end guard
The checkJobTaskAttempt()
will return such an [TaskAttempt object](# TaskAttempt Object) as described above.
Method checkJobTaskAttemptCounters()
can return counters of a specific task attempt, as the example below:
guard let counters = try his.checkJobTaskAttemptCounters(jobId: "job_1484231633049_0005", taskId: "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0", "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0") else {
// something wrong
print("Task Attempt Counters Acquiring failed")
// print the counters' id
// enumerate all groups
for group in counters.taskAttemptCounterGroup {
// print group name
// enumerate all counters in this group
for counter in group.counters {
}//next counter
}//next group
Item | Data Type | Description |
id | String | The job id |
taskAttemptcounterGroup | [CounterGroup] | An array of counter group objects, See [CounterGroup](# CounterGroup Object) |