- 基于GFM的markdown语法编写
- 支持html混排,再复杂的demo也可以做!
- 导出网页或者pdf更容易分享
- 支持18种转场动画,可以设置单页动画
- 支持单页背景图片
- 多种模式:overview模式,双屏模式,socket远程控制,摇一摇换页,使用ipad/iphone控制翻页更酷哦~
- 可以使用画板,双屏同步画板内容!可以使用note做备注
- 支持语法高亮,自由选择highlight样式
- 可以单页ppt内部动画,单步动画
- 支持进入/退出回调,做在线demo很方便
- 添加画板多端同步
- 添加按钮控制进度
- 修复一些bug
- http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/
- 双屏控制:http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/?_multiscreen=1 记得允许弹窗哦~
- 手机百度前端之路:http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/box-fe-road.htm
title: 这是演讲的题目
speaker: 演讲者名字
url: 可以设置链接
transition: 转场效果,例如:zoomin/cards/slide
files: /css/theme.moon.css
npm install -g nodeppt
# 获取帮助
nodeppt start -h
# 绑定端口
nodeppt start -p <port>
nodeppt start -p 8090 -d path/for/ppts
# 绑定host,默认绑定0.0.0.0
nodeppt start -p 8080 -d path/for/ppts -h
# 使用socket通信(按Q键显示/关闭二维码,手机扫描,即可控制)
# socket须知:1、注意手机和pc要可以相互访问,2、防火墙,3、ip
nodeppt start -c socket
# 安装phantomjs,如果安装了,请忽略
npm install -g phantomjs
# 启动nodeppt server
nodeppt start
# 导出文件
nodeppt pdf -o a.pdf
# 获取generate帮助
nodeppt generate -h
# 使用generate命令
nodeppt generate filepath
# 导出全部,包括nodeppt的js、img和css文件夹
# 默认导出在publish文件夹
nodeppt generate ./ppts/demo.md -a
# 指定导出文件夹
nodeppt generate ./ppts/demo.md -a -o output/path
导出目录下所有ppt,并且生成ppt list首页:
nodeppt path -o output/path -a
#### markdown语法
#### 配置
title: 这是演讲的题目
speaker: 演讲者名字
url: 可以设置链接
transition: 转场效果,例如:zoomin/cards/slide
files: 引入js和css的地址,如果有的话~自动放在页面底部
- kontext
- vkontext
- circle
- earthquake
- cards
- glue
- stick
- move
- newspaper
- slide
- slide2
- slide3
- horizontal3d
- horizontal
- vertical3d
- zoomin
- zoomout
- pulse
[slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
# 这是个有背景的家伙
## 我是副标题
## 主页面样式
### ----是上下分界线
nodeppt是基于nodejs写的支持 **Markdown!** 语法的网页PPT
语法跟Github Flavored Markdown 一样~
在md文件,顶部 配置
[slide data-transition="vertical3d"]
## 这是一个vertical3d的动画
如果需要完全diy自己的ppt内容,可以直接使用 html标签,支持markdown和html混编。例如:
<div class="file-setting">
<p id="css-demo">这是css样式</p>
<p>具体看下项目中 ppts/demo.md 代码</p>
function testScriptTag(){
console.log(typeof testScriptTag);
color: red;
[slide data-outcallback="outcallback" data-incallback="incallback"]
## 当进入此页,就执行incallback函数
## 当离开此页面,就执行outcallback函数
### 市面上主要的css预处理器:less\sass\stylus
|less| sass | stylus
环境 |js/nodejs | Ruby | nodejs
扩展名 | .less | .sass/.scss | .styl
特点 | 老牌,用户多,支持js解析 | 功能全,有成型框架,发展快 | 语法多样,小众
案例/框架 | [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) | [compass](http://compass-style.org) [bourbon](http://bourbon.io) |
<iframe data-src="http://www.baidu.com" src="about:blank;"></iframe>
title: nodeppt markdown 演示
speaker: Theo Wang
url: https://github.com/ksky521/nodePPT
transition: zoomin
# 封面样式
## h1是作为封面用的,内部的都用h2
[slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
# 背景图片 {:&.flexbox.vleft}
## 使用方法:[slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
## 主页面样式
### ----是上下分界线
nodeppt是基于nodejs写的支持 **Markdown!** 语法的网页PPT
更多demo,查看 ppts
nodeppt -h
# 任何命令都可以输入-h查看帮助
nodeppt start -h
- 执行
nodeppt start
- 访问
- 在线demo: http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/
- http://tympanus.net/Development/ItemTransitions/index2.html
- http://tympanus.net/Development/PageTransitions/
- https://github.com/daneden/animate.css
English version:
Maybe the best PPT webapp ever
markdown based on GFM;
mix-code with html and markdown
export your work with html and pdf format;
18 different transition animations, and you can choose single page animation well;
Setting one page background image different than others;
overview mode, multiscreen mode, remote control with socket, shark to page-flipping with ipad/iphone;
canvas is also supported, with socket, we sync your multiscreen in real time, and you can type some notes;
syntax highlighting of course, and you may want to customize your syntax highlighting style, it's supported well;
Animation in single page, one-step animation;
real time sync canvas drawing across multiple device
add buttons to control page-flipping
bugs fixed
sync multiscreen in real time: http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/?_multiscreen=1 (make sure alert is allowed in your browser)
front-end experience of mobile baidu: http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/box-fe-road.htm
default theme is not cool? just customize your theme! take a look with theme.moon
write your customize theme's template path in setting md:
title: presentation title
speaker: author name
url: http://your.site
transition: zoomin/cards/slide/...
files: /path/to/your/theme.css
# get help
nodeppt start -h
# bind given port
nodeppt start -p <port>
nodeppt start -p 8090 -d path/for/ppts
# bind host, default value: (
nodeppt start -p 8080 -d path/for/ppts -h
# socket (type 'Q' to show/hide QR Code, use your phone scan it, and you can control the slider)
# if your want to use socket, notice the follow:
* 1, make sure that your phone and your pc/mac is allowed to access to each other
* 2, the firewall
* 3, ip
nodeppt start -c socket
type 'Q' in page to show the QR Code, scan it, and you can control the slider on your phone: swipe or touch or shake to page-flipping
type 'Q' in page to show the QR Code, scan it, and you can control the slider on your phone: swipe or touch or shake to page-flipping
share your awesome slider with others, why not?
npm install -g phantomjs
# start nodeppt server
nodeppt start
# export file
nodeppt pdf -o a.pdf
# get generate help
nodeppt generate -h
# generate command
nodeppt generate filepath
# export all project file, include js, img, css folder
# export to publish folder default
nodeppt generate ./ppts/demo.md -a
# export to given folder
nodeppt generate ./ppts/demo.md -a -o output/path
export all ppt file and generate ppt list index:
nodeppt path -o output/path -a
nodeppt supports marked syntax, but for greater ppt, we extend the next syntax:
title: presentation title
speaker: author name
url: http://your.site
transition: zoomin/cards/slide/...
files: path/to/js/or/css/files
directory relationship:
support the followed animations:
- kontext
- vkontext
- circle
- earthquake
- cards
- glue
- stick
- move
- newspaper
- slide
- slide2
- slide3
- horizontal3d
- horizontal
- vertical3d
- zoomin
- zoomout
- pulse
if you want set single page animation, go to single page animation setting
[slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
# slide with background image
## I'm subtitle
## home page stylesheet
### ---- boundary
nodeppt is a ppt webapp coded by nodejs
nodeppt: https://github.com/ksky521/nodePPT
#### code formatting
the same as **Github Flavored Markdown**
<a name="transition-page"></a>
#### single page animation
on the top of the md file, you can set global transition animation in ```setting```, if want to set single page transition animation, use the followed syntax:
[slide data-transition="vertical3d"]
## this is a vertical3d transition animation
If want to diy your ppt total, you can directly use html tag. As you see, mixed-code with html and markdown is supported well. For example:
<div class="file-setting">
<p>this is html</p>
<p id="css-demo">css style</p>
<p>for more details, visit ppts/demo.md</p>
function testScriptTag(){
console.log(typeof testScriptTag);
color: red;
you can use incallback
to define your callback function while the page forward and backward.
suck like this:
[slide data-outcallback="outcallback" data-incallback="incallback"]
## when get into this page, call incallback function
## when left this page, call outcallback function
### css preprocessor:less\sass\stylus
|less| sass | stylus
environment |js/nodejs | Ruby | nodejs
.ext | .less | .sass/.scss | .styl
#### insert iframe
use ```data-src``` as the url of the iframe, the iframe will not load the content untill the page be displayed.
<iframe data-src="http://www.baidu.com" src="about:blank;"></iframe>
for more go to ppts/demo.md
title: nodeppt markdown presentation
speaker: Theo Wang
url: https://github.com/ksky521/nodePPT
transition: zoomin
# cover style
## h1 for cover, h2 for others
[slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
# background iamge {:&.flexbox.vleft}
## [slide style="background-image:url('/img/bg1.png')"]
## home page style
### ---- boundary
nodeppt is a ppt webapp coded by nodejs
nodeppt: https://github.com/ksky521/nodePPT
what? want more features?
geek mode: check the source code, find nodeppt.js, and you'll find the awesome "shake to page-flipping".
check the project directory for more infomation
To see more demo, check the ppts
nodeppt -h
# type -h after any command to see the help.
nodeppt start -h
- run
nodeppt start
- visit
- online demo: http://qdemo.sinaapp.com/