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Library compatibility matrix

The following tables are intended to be rough guidelines on which library versions are generally expected to have a fair degree of support for different guardrail features.

Only direct dependencies are listed.



akka-http has no direct dependencies on circe or cats, which is why the versions are unrelated.

Guardrail version akka-http akka-stream circe cats Notes
0.34.0 ⚠ 10.0.2 0.6.0 0.8.1 Some syntax incompatibilities
" " 0.7.0 0.9.0
" " 0.8.0 0.9.0
" " 0.9.0 1.0.1
" " 0.10.0 1.4.0
" " 0.11.0 1.5.0
" 10.0.15 " "
" 10.1.0 2.3.5 " "
" 10.1.7 2.5.19 " "


Guardrail version http4s circe-core cats Notes
0.34.0 ⚠ 0.18.0 0.9.0 1.0.1 Only clients are supported
0.39.0 0.18.0 " " First server release
0.41.1 0.19.0 0.10.0 1.4.0