A nodejs library for TWAIN using node-addon-api.
NOTE: Project is under develop. PR is welcomed, any issue is welcomed.
$ npm install node-twain
import {twain} from "node-twain"
const app = new twain.TwainSDK( {
productName: "productName!",
productFamily: "productFamily!",
manufacturer: "manufacturer!",
version: {
country: twain.TWCY_CHINA,
language: twain.TWLG_CHINESE,
majorNum: 1,
minorNum: 1,
info: "v0.0.1",
const sources = app.getDataSources() // ["PaperStream IP SP-1120N #2"]
const defaultSource = app.getDefaultSource() // "PaperStream IP SP-1120N #2"
await app.openDataSource()
const enumTest = app.getCapability(twain.ICAP_XFERMECH) // Enum
const oneValueTest = app.getCapability(twain.CAP_AUTHOR) // one value
const rangeTest = app.getCapability(twain.ICAP_JPEGQUALITY) // range
const arrayTest = app.getCapability(twain.CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS) // array
await session.enableDataSource()
app.scan(twain.TWSX_FILE, fileName); //fileName:完整路径名
According to twain‘s github, Data Source Manager looks for data sources in
OperaSystem | directory |
windows | C:\Windows\twain_32 C:\Windows\twain_32 |
Linux | /usr/local/lib/twain |
MacOS | /Library/Image Capture/TWAIN Data Sources |
Install your scanner driver and confirm whether your scanner support TWAIN or not.
MIT License. See the LICENSE file.
Python is required for node-gyp is used to build package.
Vitual Studio is required.
- Confirm Twain Datasource Manage is supported. Checkout this directory:
If there is no file "TWAINDSM.dll", copy the "TWAINDSM.dll" file into the System32 directory.
- Confirm the scanner driver is installed. For example, my scanner is SP-1120N.
PS: The scanner MUST support TWAIN protocal.
- Run the test script
npm run test
This command will search *.test.js, then run the twain.test.js