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Re-usable Gulp Toolkit for WordPress Themes

This is a Gulp package which holds all of the tasks, configuration and lint files I use when building WordPress themes. Rather than holding all of these tasks in one giant Gulpfile.js within each theme I build, this is a standalone package and can be pulled in independently.


Using the package is simple - within your custom theme create a package.json which has gulp and gulp-wp-toolkit as dependencies.

Make sure to update the other parts of your package.json too, as these will be pulled in to form the theme stylesheet header

Add a package.json to your theme like so:

  "name": "craigsimpson",
  "homepage": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "author": "Craig Simpson <[email protected]>",
  "description": "Custom WordPress theme, based on the Genesis Framework.",
  "repository": "",
  "license": "GPL-2.0",
  "main": "Gulpfile.js",
  "devDependencies": {
    "gulp": "^3.9.1",
    "gulp-wp-toolkit": "craigsimps/gulp-wp-toolkit"

Then create a simple Gulpfile.js in your theme root, like this:

'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    pkg = require('./package.json'),
    toolkit = require('gulp-wp-toolkit');

    theme: {
        name: "WordPress Theme Name",
        homepage: pkg.homepage,
        description: pkg.description,
        version: pkg.version,
        licence: pkg.licence,

toolkit.extendTasks(gulp, { /* Task Overrides */ });


Updating Config

All of the existing configuration can be easily overwritten by passing your new config object into the toolkit.extendConfig() function. An example from a recent project shows how easy it is to update the array of JS files to be concatenated, and change the localhost URL to point to your project.

Adding Tasks

Additional tasks can be added by passing an object to the toolkit.extendTasks() function, where the key is the name of the task. Example.

Custom Lint Files

You can override any of the lint files contained within this repository by adding a file of the same name in your theme directory. For example, if your theme directory contains a .jshintrc file, then it will be automatically used instead of the file included within gulp-wp-toolkit.


Once installed, the following tasks will be available to run via gulp <taskname>.


  • gulp build makes sure all dependencies (Bower components) are installed, and then runs through all of the individual build tasks.
  • gulp build:css compiles SCSS into CSS.
  • gulp build:rtl generates an RTL stylesheet in the theme root.
  • gulp build:js concatenates Javascript files defined in config.js and outputs into our theme /js/ directory.
  • gulp build:images optimizes all of our images stored in /develop/images/ to /images/.
  • gulp build:i18n generates a translations file at /languages/textdomain.pot, where textdomain is the theme package name within package.json.
  • gulp build:styleguide uses our SCSS files to generate a live style guide at /develop/styleguide/ using Cortana (some setup required).
  • gulp build:potomo converts and .po files within /languages/ into .mo files.


Clean tasks are included so you can quickly remove any compiled assets, for example using gulp clean:bowerjs will delete the concatenated vendor.js and vendor.min.js we have built from Bower Components. Tasks available are:

  • gulp clean will run all of the below tasks.
  • gulp clean:css will delete .css files from the theme root.
  • gulp clean:js will delete .js and .min.js files from our /js/ output directory.
  • gulp clean:images will delete all image files from our /images/ output directory.
  • gulp clean:i18n will delete our generated .pot file within /languages/.
  • gulp clean:bower will delete any files compiled from Bower components (CSS & JS).
  • gulp clean:bowerjs will delete any JS files compiled from Bower components, usually vendor.js and vendor.min.js.
  • gulp clean:bowercss will delete any CSS files compiled from Bower components, usually vendor.css and vendor.min.css.


  • gulp dependencies makes sure all dependencies are installed, then build our minified and concatenated vendor files.
  • gulp dep:install installs all Bower components, read from bower.json in our theme.
  • gulp dep:bowercss minifies and concatenates our Bower CSS files and outputs to /vendor/css/.
  • gulp dep:bowerjs minifies and concatenates our Bower JS files and outputs to /vendor/js/.


  • gulp lint runs all of our lint tasks and outputs to console.
  • gulp lint:php runs all of our PHP files through PHPCS & PHPMD.
  • gulp lint:phpcs runs all of our code through the PHP Codesniffer.
  • gulp lint:phpmd runs all of our code through the PHP Mess Detector.
  • gulp lint:scss uses scss_lint to check over our SCSS files.
  • gulp lint:js runs our JS files through a number of JS linters.
  • gulp lint:eslint runs ESLint on project JS files.
  • gulp lint:jshint runs JSHint on project JS files.
  • gulp lint:jscs runs JSCS on project JS files.
  • gulp lint:jsvalidate runs JSValidate on project JS files..
  • gulp lint:json checks that any JSON files (for ACF, etc) are valid.
  • gulp lint:i18n runs through all PHP files to check we're using the correct textdomain.
  • gulp lint:colors checks colour usage within SCSS files using gulp-colorguard.

Self Checks

A number of tasks are available to test the code quality within this repository. Available tasks are:

  • gulp self run all of the below checks in parallel.
  • gulp self:jscs passes our JS through the JS Coding Standards.
  • gulp self:jshint runs the JSHint linter on project JS files (with an ignore to stop it looking in node_modules).
  • gulp self:json checks that any JSON files are valid (these are defined in config.js else we'd be crawling all node_modules.
  • gulp self:jsvalidate checks our JS against JSValidate rules.


Running gulp serve will launch a new BrowserSync session, proxying the localhost URL which is defined in config.js. Our gulp watch task will also run, and your browser will live reload when any changes are detected. BrowserSync can also run independently of gulp watch by running gulp browser-sync.


The default gulp watch task is available and watches our theme (PHP, SCSS, JS, images) for any file changes. On change, the associated build task will be run.