Download JULES source code https://jules.jchmr.org/software-and-documentation/previous-releases/jules-v4.2
Download FCM
wget https://github.com/metomi/fcm/archive/2015.05.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf 2015.05.0.tar.gz
- Configure netCDF
cd jules-vn4.2/etc/fcm-make/
vi make.cfg
modify the following settings and save
# NetCDF settings
$JULES_NETCDF{?} = actual
- Compile
cd ../..
../fcm-2015.05.0/bin/fcm make -f etc/fcm-make/make.cfg --new
- Run test example
cd examples/point_loobos
- Add local executable to BETY database
- Create new File record for the relevant machine with File name = jules.exe and File path = /path/to/jules/build/bin
- Got to Model and search for the version of JULES you are running (currently 4.2)
- Edit Record > View Related Files and search for the File record you just created in order to link the new model executable to the existing Model record
- Go to PEcAn web interface to verify correct JULES version shows up in pull down menu