OSS AI Companion Chatbot - Build your own AI companion in Python using ChatGPT.
voku / Stringy
Forked from danielstjules/Stringy🉑 Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized
electrolinux / phpquery
Forked from TobiaszCudnik/phpqueryA packagist-friendly fork of phpquery **WARNING: abandonware and buggy: use at your own risk**
protonet / jquery.inview
Forked from zuk/jquery.inviewA jQuery plugin that adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view.
ilikenwf / nestedSortable
Forked from mjsarfatti/nestedSortableA jQuery plugin that extends Sortable UI functionalities to nested lists.
sitepoint-editors / fleximenu
Forked from lavary/fleximenuA flexible menu builder in PHP
pattle / intro.js
Forked from usablica/intro.jsA better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
croupier / Numeral-js
Forked from adamwdraper/Numeral-jsA javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.