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@module-federation/sdk Documentation

  • This SDK provides utilities and tools to support the implementation of Module Federation in your projects.
  • It contains utility functions for parsing, encoding, and decoding module names, as well as generating filenames for exposed modules and shared packages.
  • It also includes a logger for debugging and environment detection utilities.
  • Additionally, it provides a function to generate a snapshot from a manifest and environment detection utilities.


// The SDK can be used to parse entry strings, encode and decode module names, and generate filenames for exposed modules and shared packages.
// It also includes a logger for debugging and environment detection utilities.
// Additionally, it provides a function to generate a snapshot from a manifest and environment detection utilities.
import { parseEntry, encodeName, decodeName, generateExposeFilename, generateShareFilename, Logger, isBrowserEnv, isDebugMode, getProcessEnv, generateSnapshotFromManifest } from '@module-federation/sdk';

// Parse an entry string into a RemoteEntryInfo object

// Encode a module name with a prefix and optional extension
encodeName('moduleName', 'prefix');

// Decode a module name with a prefix and optional extension
decodeName('encodedModuleName', 'prefix');

// Generate a filename for an exposed module
generateExposeFilename('exposeName', true);

// Generate a filename for a shared package
generateShareFilename('packageName', true);

// Create a new logger
const logger = new Logger('identifier');

// Check if the current environment is a browser

// Check if the current environment is in debug mode

// Get the process environment

// Generate a snapshot from a manifest
generateSnapshotFromManifest(manifest, options);


  • Type: parseEntry(str: string, devVerOrUrl?: string)
  • Parses a string into a RemoteEntryInfo object.


  • Type: encodeName(name: string, prefix = '', withExt = false)
  • Encodes a name with a prefix and optional extension.


  • Type: decodeName(name: string, prefix?: string, withExt?: boolean)
  • Decodes a name with a prefix and optional extension.


  • Type: generateExposeFilename(exposeName: string, withExt: boolean)
  • Generates a filename for an expose.


  • Type: generateShareFilename(pkgName: string, withExt: boolean)
  • Generates a filename for a shared package.


  • Type: new Logger(identifier?: string)
  • Creates a new logger for debugging.


  • Type: isBrowserEnv()
  • Checks if the current environment is a browser.


  • Type: isDebugMode()
  • Checks if the current environment is in debug mode.


  • Type: getProcessEnv()
  • Gets the process environment.


  • Type: generateSnapshotFromManifest(manifest: Manifest, options: IOptions = {})
  • Generates a snapshot from a manifest.


The SDK uses Jest for testing. The configuration can be found in jest.config.js. The tests are located in the tests directory.