These scripts require the AWS CloudFormation Command Line Tools.
An app server fails the ELB health check
- Check that the app server's security group allows ingress from the load balancer's security group
We use Packer to provision our AMIs. You will need this to update the AMIs.
You will need your AWS credentials setup inline with the AWS CLI Settings and precedence
Once you have made the changes to provisioning.json you will need to run:
packer build ./cloud-formation/provisioning.json
You will then be told something like:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> media-service_ebd-storage-cfn: AMIs were created:
eu-west-1: ami-cae55ebd
Use the AMI ID ⤴ in the CloudFormation script where applicable.
If you have provisioned a new AMI, be sure to clear up your mess and deregister your previous one and delete its snapshot