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P2 (8% of grade): Key/Value Store Service


One of the simplest storage systems records the values associated with keys, much like a Python dict, but via a service that could be shared by code running on different computers.

In this project, you'll build a simple K/V store server that records number values for different string keys. Your server can use a Python dict for this purpose, but you'll need to use threads and locking for efficiency and safety. A client will communicate with your server via RPC calls.

Learning objectives:

  • communicate between clients and servers via gRPC
  • use locking for safety
  • cache the results of expensive operations for efficiency
  • measure performance statistics like cache hit rate and tail latency
  • deploy your code in a Docker container

Before starting, please review the general project directions.


  • Feb 20: fixed contradictory directions about number of server threads (there should be 4)

Part 1: gRPC Interface

Read this guide for gRPC with Python:

Install the tools (be sure to upgrade pip first, as described in the directions):

pip3 install grpcio grpcio-tools

Create a file called numstore.proto containing a service called NumStore, which contains two RPCs:

  1. SetNum takes a key (string) and value (int) as parameters and returns a total (int)
  2. Fact takes a key (string) as a parameter and returns a value (int), hit (bool), and error (string)

Specify syntax="proto3"; at the top of your file. Build it:

python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I=. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. numstore.proto

Verify was generated.

Part 2: Server Implementation

Create a file and add a class that inherits from numstore_pb2_grpc.NumStoreServicer. It should override the two methods.

At the end, add a server() function and call it (adapting the example from the gRPC documentation). You can import futures like this:

from concurrent import futures


  • have 4 worker threads
  • use numstore_pb2_grpc.add_NumStoreServicer_to_server
  • use port 5440

SetNum(key, value)

Your server should have two globals variables, a dict of values, and an int that equals the sum of all the values in the dict.

When SetNum(key, value) is called, it should set YOUR_DICTS_NAME[key] = value and update the variable storing the total sum of values. It should return the new total.


  • don't loop over all the entries in your dict each time to update the total (instead, compare the new value to the old value to determine how the total should change)


This should lookup the value from the global dictionary corresponding to that key, then return the factorial of that value.

The error will normally be unset, but it should contain an error message if the key can't be found.

Manual testing:

So far, the following client code should produce the expected output indicated by the comments:

import sys
import grpc
import numstore_pb2, numstore_pb2_grpc

port = "5440"
addr = f"{port}"
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(addr)
stub = numstore_pb2_grpc.NumStoreStub(channel)

# TEST SetNum
resp = stub.SetNum(numstore_pb2.SetNumRequest(key="A", value=1))
print( # should be 1
resp = stub.SetNum(numstore_pb2.SetNumRequest(key="B", value=10))
print( # should be 11
resp = stub.SetNum(numstore_pb2.SetNumRequest(key="A", value=5))
print( # should be 15
resp = stub.SetNum(numstore_pb2.SetNumRequest(key="B", value=0))
print( # should be 5

# TEST Fact
resp = stub.Fact(numstore_pb2.FactRequest(key="A"))
print(resp.value) # should be 120


For large numbers, it may be slow to compute the factorial. Add a structure to remember previously computed answers for specific numbers.


  • the cache should hold a maximum of 10 entries
  • write a comment specifying your eviction policy (could be random, LRU, FIFO, something you make up...)
  • check before doing the calculation for factorial
  • in the return value, use hit=True or hit=False to indicate whether or not the cache was used for the answer


Your server has 4 threads, so use a lock ( when accessing any global variables from SetNum or Fact.


  • the lock should protect any access to shared structures
  • the lock should always get released, even if there is an exception
  • the lock should NOT be held when factorials are being calculated

Part 3: Client

The client should start some threads or processes that send random requests to the server. The port of the server should be specified on the command line, like this:

python3 5440


  • there should be 8 threads/processes
  • each thread/process should send 100 random requests to the server
  • for each request, randomly decide between SetNum and Fact (50/50 mix)
  • for each request, randomly choose a key (from a list of 100 possible keys)
  • for SetNum requests, randomly select a number between 1 and 15

The client should then print some stats at the end.


  • print cache hit rate
  • print p50 response time
  • print p99 response time
  • it should be clear from the prints what each output number represents

Feel free to install numpy if that helps with computing percentiles.

Part 4: Docker Deployment

You should write a Dockerfile to build an image that runs your


  • it should be possible to run docker build -t p2 .
  • it should be possible to run your server like this docker run -p 54321:5440 p2


You should organize and commit your files such that we can run the code in your repo like this:

python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I=. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. numstore.proto
docker build -t p2 .
docker run -d -p 54321:5440 p2
python3 54321 > out.txt
cat out.txt

Be sure to test the above, and commit the out.txt file you generated in the process.

Approximate Rubric:

The following is approximately how we will grade, but we may make changes if we overlooked an important part of the specification or did not consider a common mistake.

  1. [x/1] SetNum and Fact have specified interface (part 1)
  2. [x/1] SetNum is logically correct (part 2)
  3. [x/1] Fact is logically correct (part 2)
  4. [x/1] Fact caching is correct and documented (part 2)
  5. [x/1] SetNum and Fact locking is correct (part 2)
  6. [x/1] server listens on port 5440 with 4 workers (part 2)
  7. [x/1] the client sends requests to the specified port from 8 tasks (part 3)
  8. [x/1] the random workload is 100 requests per server, 50/50 SetNum/Fact, over 100 keys, and values between 1 and 15 (part 3)
  9. [x/1] hit rate and response time are correctly computed and displayed (part 3)
  10. [x/1] a Dockerfile can be used to dockerize (part 4)