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Lightweight 3D physics for the web

Inspired by three.js and ammo.js, and driven by the fact that the web lacks a physics engine, here comes cannon.js.

Demos - Documentation - Rendering hints - NPM package


Download the library and include it in your html. Alternatively, build the library yourself (see Makefile).

<script src="cannon.js"></script>

The code below creates a sphere on a plane, steps the simulation, and prints the sphere simulation to the console.

// Setup our world
var world = new CANNON.World();
world.broadphase = new CANNON.NaiveBroadphase();
// Create a sphere
var mass = 5, radius = 1;
var sphereShape = new CANNON.Sphere(radius);
var sphereBody = new CANNON.RigidBody(mass,sphereShape);
// Create a plane
var groundShape = new CANNON.Plane();
var groundBody = new CANNON.RigidBody(0,groundShape);
// Step the simulation
  console.log("Sphere z position: " + sphereBody.position.z);
}, 1000.0/60.0);

If you want to know how to use cannon.js with a rendering engine, for example Three.js, see the Examples.

Supported contact shape pairs

Sphere Plane Box Compound Convex¹ Particle
Sphere Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plane - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Box - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Compound - - - Yes Yes Yes
Convex¹ - - - - Yes Yes
Particle - - - - - -

¹ including Cylinder

Change log


  • Changed unit of sleep properties in Particle to seconds instead of milliseconds, made Particle.sleepState public. (schteppe,airbaggins).
  • Changed property Shape.boundingSphereRadius to being a number, added method Shape.computeBoundingSphereRadius and .boundingSphereRadiusNeedsUpdate
  • Removed Box.getCorners
  • Added properties to ContactMaterial: .contactEquationStiffness, .contactEquationRegularizationTime, .frictionEquationStiffness, .frictionEquationRegularizationTime to be able to control settings for the on-the-fly created contact constraints
  • Renamed the solver parameter "damping" to "regularizationTime", since it is a more correct name.
  • Solver parameters (stiffness, damping etc) were moved from Solver to Equation. Now you control the solver parameters per constraint instead of globally.
  • Added HingeConstraint and its Constraint base class
  • Added contact support for all possible Shape.types (see table above).
  • Fixed convex contact bugs.
  • Added method ConvexPolyhedron.getAveragePointLocal.
  • Added method ConvexPolyhedron.transformAllPoints.
  • Added SplitSolver.
  • Removed use of typed arrays, since they are slower than ordinary ones.
  • Corrected applying of linear and angular damping, should now be physically correct and independent of timestep size.
  • Renamed Solver to GSSolver, made Solver a base class instead.
  • Added method Mat3.setTrace
  • ContactGenerator now produces ContactEquation instead of ContactPoint
  • Added property Solver.tolerance
  • Changed default Solver parameter values
  • Improved Solver algorithm, the parameters .a, .b, .k, .d, .eps do not have the same effect anymore.
  • Rewrote Solver, Equation and Constraint totally, broke backward compatibility.
  • Added property World.enableImpulses - still an experimental feature
  • Added PointToPointConstraint
  • Added Cylinder.
  • Added method RigidBody.applyImpulse
  • Added "iterator" method Box.forEachWorldCorner
  • Added "abstract method" Shape.calculateWorldAABB and implemented it in subclasses.
  • Removed Plane.normal in favor of RigidBody.quaternion. One way to rotate a plane is enough.


  • World now dispatches "preStep" and "postStep" events.
  • Introduced Body and Particle. New inheritance: Body -> Particle -> RigidBody.
  • Added Quaternion.toAxisAngle()
  • Added Ray. Basic hit testing for ConvexPolyhedra.
  • RigidBody now dispatches the following events: "collide", "sleep", "sleepy", "wakeup"
  • Added Solver.setSpookParams(k,d) and removed SPOOK param things from World.
  • Sleep functionality for RigidBody

0.4.2 2012-08-06

  • Code seem stable enough to start a change log.


The simpler todos are marked with @todo in the code. Github Issues can and should also be used for todos.


Create an issue on here if you need help.


A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript.







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