Title: | Proposal for Requesting Github Official Including 996ICU License |
题目: | 提案请求github官方收录996ICU License |
Author: | ff4415 |
作者: | ff4415 |
Status: | Draft |
状态: | 草案 |
Type: | Proposal |
类型: | 提案 |
Created: | 1-April-2019 |
创建日期: | 2019年4月1日 |
Post-History: | None |
历史: | 无 |
To Request Github Official Including 996ICU License
提案请求github官方收录996ICU License
Highlight 996ICU License badge
让 996ICU License badge 更显眼
Promote adoption of 996ICU License
让 996ICU License 更易用
To approach this, we need to add license to ChooseALicense.com.
为了达到这个目标, 我们需要把 license 提交到 ChooseALicense.com.
It mentioned that only a small number are highlighted on the home page and there are several requirements for a license to be cataloged on the site:
The license must have an SPDX identifier. If your license isn't registered with SPDX, please request that it be added.
The license must be listed on one of the following approved lists of licenses:
- List of OSI approved licenses
- GNU's list of free licenses (note: the license must be listed in one of the three "free" categories)
- Open Definition's list of conformant licenses (non-code)
A GitHub code search must reveal at least 1,000 public repositories using the license.
3 notable projects using the license must be identified. These must have straightforward LICENSE files which serve as examples newcomers can follow and that could be detected by licensee if it knew about the license.
只有一小部分 license 能够在 主页 高亮, 想要成为其中一员需要满足几个要求:
license 必须属于以下批准的 license 列表之一:
- OSI批准的licenses)
- GNU 批准的自由licenses(注意:license 必须属于三大自由license目录之一)
- 开放定义的conformant licenses(non-code)
GitHub code search 必须显示至少1000个 public repositories 使用此 license .
标定3个明星项目(notable projects)使用此 license . 这些项目必须有直白的 LICENSE files 作为用例,方便新人follow, 如果license识别此 license, 还要能被它检测到。
Discussion about adding 996 to Github official opened in Anti-996-License . Welcome to Anti-996-License discussing this topic. And to approach this goal, need supports and cooperation. Feel free to fill this solution.
在Anti-996-License 下面开了Discussion about adding 996 to Github official。 请大家去 Anti-996-License 讨论。 达成这个目标需要各方的支持与合作。欢迎各位继续补充提案。
Feel free to fill here.
Right now there is more than 1600 repos using 996 license by github code search .
So the 3rd requirement is satisfied, but the consensus in 996 licenses are not.
As for Item No.4, there is 996.ICU, 955.WLB and Anti-996-License and a lot of repos with stars more than 3k. I am not sure about the word "notable ". I think Item No.4 is fitted.
现在通过 github code search 已经有1640个项目使用 996 license, 3号条款已经满足。 但是996 license 形式和内容还没有统一。
至于4号条款。 我们有 996.ICU,955.WLB 和 Anti-996-License 以及 AwesomeList.
To Request Including License to choosealicense.com
To Request a License or Exception Be Added to The SPDX License List
996.ICU Project All Right Reserved 2019
996.ICU 版权所有 2019