This repository has a code for Application Insights monitoring of Asp.Net vNext applications. Read about contrubution policies on Application Insights Home repository
Add NuGet feed It has NuGet: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNet.
For standard Asp.Net template you need to modify four files (this will be the default template instrumentation in future).
project.json Add new reference:
"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNet": ""
config.json Configure instrumentation key:
"ApplicationInsights": {
"InstrumentationKey": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
Startup.cs Add service:
Add middleware and configure developer mode:
// Add Application Insights monitoring to the request pipeline as a very first middleware.
// Add the following to the request pipeline only in development environment.
if (string.Equals(env.EnvironmentName, "Development", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Add Application Insights exceptions handling to the request pipeline.
_Layout.cshtml Define using and injection:
@using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNet
@inject Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.RequestTelemetry RequestTelelemtry
And insert HtmlHelper to the end of <head>
ApplicationInsights.AspNet.sln - Main Solution
ApplicationInsights.AspNet - Application Insights package
ApplicationInsights.AspNet.Tests - Unit tests
FunctionalTestUtils - test utilities for functional tests
SampleWebAppIntegration - functional MVC test application
- Repository (private now):
- Asp.Net information:
- VS 2015 installation:
- (recommended by Anastasia):
- You can just install it on your machine:
There are two sets of tests unit tests and functional tests. Please use unit tests for all features testing. The purpose of functional tests is just end-to-end validation of functionality on sample applications.
Functional tests Functional tests are regular web applications with unit tests integrated into them. Application can be compiled as a regular web application as well as set of tests. Typical functional test will do the following:
- Host the current project in In-Proc server.
- Initialize application insights telemetry channel.
- Initiate request to self hosted web application using HttpClient.
- Check data received in telemetry channel.
Those are modifications made for regular web application to make it work this way:
Add dependencies to project.json:
"FunctionalTestUtils": "1.0.0-*",
"xunit": "",
"xunit.runner.aspnet": "",
"xunit.runner.visualstudio": ""
and test command:
"test": "xunit.runner.aspnet"
Add this initialization logic to Startup.cs: