Since the release of Google Chrome headless mode, the Chrome DevTools team has developed puppeteer for running and managing an instance of Chromium. This module makes it possible to easily run tests written with mocha inside of a Chromium instance. Module bundling is automatically handled using lasso.
npm i -D mocha-puppeteer
Write your tests like you normally would with mocha.
const assert = require('assert')
describe('my test', () => {
it('should pass', () => {
assert(1 + 1 === 2)
To run your tests, you can pass in the test files to the exposed cli tool. A glob works too depending on the shell you are using.
npx mocha-puppeteer ./tests/dirA/*.js ./test/dirB/*.js
You can also just pass in a directory containing all of the tests you want to run.
npx mocha-puppeteer ./tests
You can also get test coverage information using nyc
npx nyc mocha-puppeteer ./test/*.js
All available options:
Usage: mocha-puppeteer [OPTIONS]
Test a single file: "mocha-puppeteer /foo/bar-test.js"
Test a series of files using a glob pattern: "mocha-puppeteer /foo/*/*-test.js"
Test using Chromium args: "mocha-puppeteer /foo/bar-test.js --args account-consistency browser-startup-dialog"
--help -h Show this help message [string]
--version -v Show the version number of mocha-puppeteer [string]
--testPagePath -P Path to a custom Marko test page [string]
--pattern -p * Pattern to run tests. Either a single file or glob pattern. [string]
--reporter -r The mocha test reporter to use. (Defaults to "spec") [string]
--useColors -c Whether use colors for test output. (Defaults to true) [boolean]
--ui -u The mocha ui to use. (Defaults to "bdd") [string]
--ignoreHTTPSErrors -i Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to false. [boolean]
--headless -H Whether to run Chromium in headless mode. Defaults to true. [boolean]
--executablePath -e Path to a Chromium executable to run instead of bundled Chromium. If executablePath is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory. [string]
--slowMo -s Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on. [number]
--args -a Additional arguments to pass to the Chromium instance. List of Chromium flags can be found at [string]
--handleSIGINT -S Close chrome process on Ctrl-C. Defaults to true. [boolean]
--puppeteerTimeout -t Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the Chrome instance to start. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass 0 to disable timeout. [number]
--dumpio -d Whether to pipe browser process stdout and stderr into process.stdout and process.stderr. Defaults to false. [boolean]
--userDataDir -D Path to a User Data Directory. [string]
--puppeteerPageTimeout Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the page to load [number]
NOTE: To use
Chromium flags, do not supply the prefixed double dash. Example of usingargs
:mocha-puppeteer /foo/bar-test.js --args account-consistency browser-startup-dialog
You can configure mocha-puppeteer
with a .mocha-puppeteer-config.js
Example config file:
module.exports = {
mochaOptions: {
reporter: 'nyan'
lassoConfig: {
require: {
transforms: [
transform: 'lasso-babel-transform'
lassoDependencies: [
You can also get test coverage information using nyc
npx nyc mocha-puppeteer ./test/*.js
At the moment, you can specify mochaOptions
, lassoConfig
, and lassoDependencies
. lassoDependencies
will be included before
test files. So any globals
Babel transforms can be applied using the lasso-babel-transform module.
Note: Values provided in the mochaOptions
field will be overridden by cli arguments.
For example, mocha-puppeteer test/test.js --reporter dot
will override the reporter
option in the
above config.
If you need to customize the page that is sent to the browser with your Mocha
test code, you can do so, by specifiying a --testPagePath
CLI option.
uses Marko.js for
templating and Lasso to bundle browser
dependencies. Provide a path to a Marko template similar to the following:
lasso-page [
<!DOCTYPE html>
div id='mocha'
If you find a bug or have an idea about how to improve the module, please create an issue. If you have a fix for a bug, feel free to submit a pull request.
You can run tests with the npm test