Welcome to GADMA v2!
GADMA implements methods for automatic inference of the joint demographic history of multiple populations from the genetic data.
GADMA is a command-line tool. Basic pipeline presents a series of launches of the genetic algorithm folowed by local search optimization and infers demographic history from the Allele Frequency Spectrum of multiple populations (up to three).
GADMA features variuos optimization methods (global and local search algorithms) which may be used for any general optimization problem.
GADMA provides choice of several engines of demographic inference (this list will be extended in the future):
GADMA is implemented by Ekaterina Noskova ([email protected])
GADMA is now of version 2! See Changelog.
Please see documentation for more information including installation instructions, usage, examples and API.
Ekaterina Noskova
Vladimir Ulyantsev
Pavel Dobrynin
Please don't be afraid to contact me for different problems and offers via email [email protected]. I will be glad to answer all questions.
Also you are always welcome to create an issue on the GitHub page of GADMA with your question.
Please see full list of citations in documentation.
If you use GADMA in your research please cite:
Ekaterina Noskova, Vladimir Ulyantsev, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Stephen J O’Brien, Pavel Dobrynin, GADMA: Genetic algorithm for inferring demographic history of multiple populations from allele frequency spectrum data, GigaScience, Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2020, giaa005, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giaa005