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0.28: Reload automation and groups, API documentation, car tracking, Pi-Hole stats
No Home Assistant restart for reloading automations and groups, Automatic car tracking, Pi-Hole and battery details, and bugfixes for climate and cover
2016-09-10 08:00:00 +0200
September 10, 2016
Fabian Affolter

It's already time for 0.28 thanks to our super short release cycles. Now, it' official...we hit 4000 stars on Github. That's amazing. Sorry, not as amazing as all the stuff that was going on for 0.27 but still pretty awesome.

{% linkable_title Reload automation rules %}

This release brings you a huge improvement of the automation and group handling. Both can be reloaded without a Home Assistant restart by calling their new reload services. The automations can be controlled directly from the frontend.

{% linkable_title Raspberry Pi installation guide %}

Singleboard computers are very popular to run Home Assistant. To support this fact, the installation documentation for the Raspberry Pi devices was re-written to get users started as quickly as possible. @Landrash took the lead with on this tasks with help from @kellerza and @MartinHjelmare.

{% linkable_title Climate and cover %}

There are countless bugfixes included in this release which will make your experience with the climate and the cover platforms better. Two week ago was the biggest merger of implementations released that ever happened in the history of Home Assistant. Thanks to @turbokongen, @pvizeli, @djbanks, @danielperna84, and others the improvements on the code and the frontend side is continuing...

{% linkable_title API documentation %}

The Home Assistant API Documentation is a great addition to the already existing user documentation. The focus is not end-users but developers who want to get details about the code without actually browsing the code on Github.

{% linkable_title Configuration validation %}

The validation of the configuration is still on-going. Approximately 80 % is done. This means that we will propably talk about this topic in the next release notes again. To align the configuration of components and platforms we needed to break some. Please refer to the Breaking changes section to check if you need to update your configuration or simple check your log for configuration validation errors. Thanks to @kellerza, @fabaff, @Teagan42, and @pvizeli for your effort!

{% linkable_title All changes %}

{% linkable_title Hotfix 0.28.1 - September 12 %}

  • Fix: Simplisafe alarm control panels accept any string for code (@tchellomello)
  • Fix: Z-Wave would sometimes not detect all thermostats (@turbokongen)
  • Fix: Automatic device tracker when 2 or more cars are tracked (@teagan42)
  • Fix: Group ordering is now based on config again (@balloob, @kellerza)

{% linkable_title Hotfix 0.28.2 - September 13 %}

  • Light - pilight: Fix send RF code (@DavidLP)
  • Recorder: Fix specifying SQLite (@pvizeli)
  • Wink: Fix garage door detection (@turbokongen)
  • Climate - Ecobee: Fix inverted high and low temperatures (@turbokongen)
  • Allow changing covers using scenes (@nvella)
  • Device tracker - Automatic: Fix polling (@teagan42)

{% linkable_title Breaking changes %}

  • OpenweatherMap entity IDs are now like sensor.owm_temperature. Previously they were like sensor.weather_temperature. Apologies for this change, but we needed to make OpenWeatherMap more generic now that we have many weather platforms.
  • Updates of configuration variables due to configuration check or alignment with other platforms. Please update your configuration entries according to the documentation:
  • Custom components extending BaseNotificationService need to be aware that kwargs.get(ATTR_TITLE) will now return None if a title has not been set, and will need to specify kwargs.get(ATTR_TITLE, ATTR_TITLE_DEFAULT) if they always require a title.

{% linkable_title If you need help... %}

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