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a3p-integration overview

This directory contains an end-to-end integration test executed against a synthetic agoric-3 chain. The test performs a chain software upgrade to the software contained in the enclosing agoric-sdk repository, then executes a series of functional tests verifying the upgrade accomplished its goal.

Quick-Start: How to Get a Chain Running

To get a chain running with an existing proposal such as f:fast-usdc, run yarn test -m fast-usdc --debug; likewise yarn test -m <proposal-name-substring> --debug for any other proposal name.

How to run

The synthetic chain testing infrastructure relies on Docker, Docker Buildx extended build capabilities, and the experimental Buildx Bake extension. Make sure you have a recent Docker engine installed for your system.

Install test dependencies

This directory hierarchy, while it contains packages, is not part of the agoric-sdk root Yarn project. This is to isolate it from tooling that expects a public package published to NPM. For example, it doesn't run in the CI jobs for the /packages packages.

The end-to-end integration test relies on the @agoric/synthetic-chain test tool (published to NPM from the agoric-3-proposals repository), and uses Yarn 4 (configured through corepack).

First time setup (or after updates to @agoric/synthetic-chain):

corepack enable
yarn install

Run the integration test

The @agoric/synthetic-chain test runner is invoked through NPM scripts.

To build the agoric-3 synthetic chain images with the unreleased chain software upgrade:

yarn build

To run the unit tests:

yarn test
# or for an interactive session into a given proposal package
yarn test --debug -m "proposal-name"

Proposal structure

Package layering

Proposals are packages under the /a3p-integration/proposals folder, and are separate from each other, from the a3p-integration test environment, and from the enclosing agoric-sdk repository. They run inside the docker image, and cannot access SDK code. Their names must be lower case.

In the release branches, the end-to-end a3p-integration test usually only has a single proposal package named a:upgrade-NN, which performs a chain software upgrade proposal to the corresponding upgrade plan. In the master branch, the next release's changes are staged in n:upgrade-next. There may also be core-eval proposal packages, either before or after the chain software upgrade proposal.

The details of a proposal package are configured through the agoricProposal field of its package.json.

More details about synthetic-chain proposals can be found in the agoric-3-proposals README

Chain software upgrade proposal

For a chain software upgrade proposal, the type is "Software Upgrade Proposal", and the relevant fields are sdkImageTag, planName and upgradeInfo.

  • sdkImageTag is the docker image tag to use that contains the upgraded chain software. It has a value of unreleased, which is the tag for the image that is built from the enclosing agoric-sdk repository.

  • planName is the "upgrade name" included in the proposal which must match the value in the upgraded chain software. In the master branch its value is UNRELEASED_A3P_INTEGRATION. In the release branches, it's agoric-upgrade-NN.

  • upgradeInfo contains other details passed to the governance proposal. In particular, it can have a coreProposals field which instructs the chain software to run other core proposals in addition to the one configured in the chain software's upgrade handler (see CoreProposalSteps in /golang/cosmos/app/upgrade.go).

    • See Generating core-eval submissions below for details.

For an (evolving) example, see n:upgrade-next in master.

Core-eval proposal

The type of a core-eval proposal is "/agoric.swingset.CoreEvalProposal". By default, the submission in the subdir submission is evaluated. The proposal package can override this by providing an that is executed instead. See

If the proposal is planned to be executed after the chain software upgrade, and the source of the proposal is in agoric-sdk, don't commit the built proposal because CI willl test that instead of the most recent code.

Instead, generate it automatically in each test run. Since proposals cannot access SDK code, a script can be used to generate the submission content. Until there is native support for build scripts in the synthetic-chain tool, a3p-integration's build:submissions step invokes in agoric-sdk before starting the upgrade test.

For core eval proposals executing before the chain software upgrade, the submission should be checked in, since bundles built from newer software may not be compatible with older chains.

For an example, see Agoric#8907


Each proposal must have a file, which is executed during a synthetic-chain test invocation. In general this simply executes yarn ava to run any *.test.js. This step can perform any chain action, including submitting bespoke core-evals.

A proposal can also have a file to perform any persisted action after the proposal has passed. The effects of these actions can be used in the test phase, or in subsequent proposal packages.

A chain software upgrade proposal can also have a file which is executed before the proposal is submitted to the chain. The actions taken are similarly persisted.

Instead of relying on an automatic submission folder, a core-eval proposal can define an file to generate and submit the core eval (or perform any standalone actions).

Build details

In the image the filesystem is:


With the proposals layered on top of the agoric-sdk image, the filesystem adds (for example):


In agoric-sdk CI and development, we want the proposals to use the versions of the packages in the agoric-sdk source tree. To accomplish this we use yarn link. In Yarn 4 (berry) it uses a portal protocol to link to another Yarn project on the filesystem. One kink is that in development the command would,

yarn link --relative ../../.. --all

Which configures the package.json resolutions to find agoric-sdk three levels up.

But in CI the proposals aren't nested under agoric-sdk and the command would be,

yarn link --relative ../../agoric-sdk --all

To give a consistent location, a3p-integration has a symlink to the agoric-sdk project where the proposals expect it in the Docker fileystem. (I.e. treating a3p-integration as /usr/src of the Docker image.)

The yarn build script automates 3 steps:

  • Building the unreleased SDK image
  • Generating the submission folders in core proposal packages
  • Building the synthetic-chain images using the proposals

Generate a docker image with the agoric-sdk chain software

The chain software upgrade proposal contained in this end-to-end integration test performs an upgrade of the agoric-3 synthetic chain to an UNRELEASED_A3P_INTEGRATION plan name (or the corresponding upgrade plan name for release branches). It loads the docker image for the software implementing that upgrade (both in the master branch or in release branches).

The upgrade handler is implemented by the code in the enclosing agoric-sdk repository. After any change to the chain software or vat code upgraded through core proposals, the image must be regenerated. This is automatically done by the build:sdk script, but can also be performed manually using:

make -C ../packages/deployment docker-build-sdk

Generating core-eval submissions

In a3p-integration, many core-eval proposals' submission content has to be generated from the local agoric-sdk, and must be rebuilt every time there is a change. This package's package.json build:submissions script runs scripts/ to generate that content and move it into submission subdirectories under the corresponding proposal directories. Each proposal that requires such a build step should have a corresponding entry in the sdk-generate array of its proposal directory's package.json agoricProposal section.

Submissions that don't need to pass in options or generate references to source bundles can be written directly in a foo-submission subdirectory of the proposal. These would include a .js script, accompanied by a similarly-named -permit.json file (which can contain just true or a complete permission manifest.) The submission should return the script, which can take BootstrapPowers as a parameter.

If the submission does require bundle references or other options to be provided, it should be written as two parts: a core eval (in one of the .../proposals directories) and a builder for it (under .../builders/scripts).

The script reads instructions from agoricProposal.sdk-generate in package.json. That field contains a list of strings, each of which describes a single submission as a list of space-separated fields. If there is only one submission, it can use the default directory name submission by specifying just one field, containing the path of a builder script file relative to packages/builders/scripts:

"sdk-generate": ["test-localchain"],

If there are multiple submissions, each entry has to specify a distinct directory name in the second field:

"sdk-generate": [
  "probe-zcf-bundle probe-submission",
  "updatePriceFeeds priceFeed-submission",
  "add-auction newAuction-submission"

Any remaining fields provide additional arguments to the build script:

"sdk-generate": [
  "inter-protocol/updatePriceFeeds.js submission/main main",

Building synthetic-chain images

Synthetic-chain tests run inside generated proposal Docker images. If any changes are made to the proposals or their tests, these images must be rebuilt. This is performed during the build:synthetic-chain step.


no match for platform

If you get an error like this,

ERROR: failed to solve: no match for platform in manifest sha256:14e22b6f75b568a5d32f7a74b701d978b7656ba4d33e2ec7ad2ff0611e7c2530: not found

it's because you're on an architecture for which we don't generate an image. We currently generate linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 images.

You can build the latest image locally:

cd agoric-3-proposals
yarn install
yarn synthetic-chain build

# build the default entrypoint and tag it so the `append` command finds it
docker buildx build --tag .

missing "unreleased" image

If you get an error like,

ERROR: failed to solve: not found

That's because you didn't create an image from the local agoric-sdk. Run yarn build:sdk.


If you get an error like,

panic: UPGRADE "UNRELEASED_A3P_INTEGRATION" NEEDED at height: 1101: {"coreProposals":["@agoric/builders/scripts/vats/init-network.js"]}

Means your SDK image is different than the one expected by the upgrade proposal. To build the correct image, run yarn build:sdk.