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Attention, please.

This code is a work in progress, and we publish it for full transparency. You can review the source code, but:

  • you shouldn't just run this code without reading it, as it may have bugs or stubbed out crypto
  • it might not do exactly what it says it is doing

If you really want to install Keybase, please return to the top level for official release instructions.

Keybase for macOS

2nd Warning: The code in this repository does not represent a finalized architecture or API and we will probably not accept any external pull requests. We advise you not to fork this repository.

Project Setup

# Install CocoaPods (if not installed)
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup

# Generate workspace
pod install

# Open workspace (not xcodeproj)
open Keybase.xcworkspace

Then select the target Keybase and run.


To build the installer, view instructions at Scripts/

macOS Installer Overview

│keybase install-auto            │
│keybase install --components=...│
  │ go/install package │
 │ non-privileged tasks │
 │   privileged tasks   │
  │ │

Go Install Package

Install tasks are managed by the go/install package. You can interact with this package via the command line client, for example, by specifying components to install.

Install the service (in launchd):

keybase install --components=service

Install the helper tool, Fuse and the mount directory, and start KBFS service:

keybase install --components=helper,fuse,mountdir,kbfs

If the installed component requires a privileged task or native code (like Fuse), the go package will call into the native (see below).

keybase install-auto

When the Electron app starts up it runs keybase install-auto in shared/desktop/app/installer.js.

By default this runs install with the components:

  • cli: Command line (to /usr/local/bin)
  • updater: Updater in launchd
  • service: Service in launchd
  • kbfs: KBFS in launchd (without mount), needed by chat
  • kbnm: Browser native messaging

If Fuse has been installed (via the Folder tab), it will also install/update the following components:

  • helper: Helper tool which runs privileged tasks
  • fuse: Fuse kext
  • mountdir: Creates /keybase
  • kbfs: KBFS in launchd (with mount)

The has options to install native components (via privileged tasks in the Helper tool) via the command line parameters:

For example, to install (or update) Fuse, you can run:

/Applications/ \
  --app-path=/Applications/ --run-mode=prod --timeout=60 --install-fuse

Other arguments include:

  • install-fuse: Installs KBFuse, our custom osxfuse build, see Fuse/kbfuse for more details.
  • install-mountdir: Creates the /keybase folder.
  • install-helper: Installs helper tool, which runs privileged tasks. See Privileged Helper Tool.
  • install-cli: Installs command line into /usr/local/bin or /etc/paths.d/Keybase
  • install-app-bundle: Installs app by verifying app bundle and then moving it into /Applications/ (as privileged task).

It also has corresponding uninstall options:

  • uninstall-fuse
  • uninstall-mountdir
  • uninstall-helper
  • uninstall-cli
  • uninstall-app



Dev References

Launch Agents, Services, XPC: Describes how services are installed and run.

App Extensions: Describes app extensions for Actions, Share and Finder Sync.

Privileged Helper Tool: Describes the Helper tool functionality.

Xcode Settings

In Xcode, Preferences, Text Editing:

  • Prefer indent using: Spaces
  • Tab width: 2 spaces
  • Indent width: 2 spaces