Thanks for applying to become a Cuvva Backend Engineer 🎉. Below is a challenge we'd like you complete and send back to us.
Cuvva sells a lot of motor insurance, you can purchase cover for a range of durations, from 30 minutes all the way up to 28 days. To do this we need a system that prices a user accurately and quickly.
Pricing means taking a set of information (usually details about a user) and ultimately generating a single price. This is the 'quote price' that we will ultimately end up charging a customer.
In this scenario, the Product Manager has asked you to come up with a system to perform pricing calculations on a single user for a range of durations. The PM mentioned that the system needs to potentially be able to reprice thousands of users within a single minute. They also mentioned that the price needs to be deterministic, given the same input information it should always give you the same output.
You will find attached
- A code stub in Go implementing an RPC endpoint
- A model, this is an excel sheet detailing how we translate risks about the user to a price. Link here.
Take a look at the code stub and familiarise yourself with the structure.
This implements an RPC endpoint (generate_pricing
) which is called with a single users details.
Take a look at the provided model. The model gives you details on how to take in a risk i.e. an insurance group and translate it to a "factor". These factors get multiplied with the "Base Rate" price (found in the "Base Rates" sheet) to form a total price the user should pay. The base rate changes depending on the duration of cover selected. We typically give the user a price for every duration of cover we offer, letting the user pick the duration that makes sense for them. Take a look at the "Calculator" sheet and familiarise yourself with how the total price a user pays is calculated.
Update the generate_pricing
endpoint to accept the following example input.
"date_of_birth": "1970-12-04",
"insurance_group": 12,
"license_held_since": "1988-08-01"
This represents details about a single user.
Update the generate_pricing
endpoint to respond with the total price a user should pay for each duration of cover
found in the base rates sheet.
The output must be in JSON, the schema of the output is left to you.
Below are some rules on how much you should feel you need to do:
- The recommended time to complete the challenge is four hours
- If you reach the recommended time and haven't completed the task in the way you want, you can use a README to document what you would have liked to do. If you do so, please be as detailed as possible.
- Or if you do want to put more time into the task, feel free to do so and mention this when you submit the solution.
- You should write code as if it were going to go into production. This means using best practices where possible
and having an appropriate code structure.
- We favour well-documented, simple code over code that is complex, terse and hard to read.
- We favour well tested code.
- We favour making proper use of concurrency to speed up processes where possible.
- We believe it is good practice to make sure inputs are validated and sanitized before being used.
- We expect you to have an appropriate code design and layout which would allow the application to scale to a large number of pricing factors (30-50), while remaining easy to read and maintain for developers.
- We do not intend you to read and parse the Excel spreadsheet we provided. This is only provided to communicate the model. Feel free to copy the factors into a structure you find appropriate for the exercise.
- Once you're finished we'd like you to submit your code back to us as a zip. Please do not use a public repository.