this is the backend of wiri, It handles all of our request. the setup is just like any other basic laravel app.
install the packages using composer install
and then copy the .env.example to .env.
models: - users - companies(stores, growers, transporters) - products(concentrates,buds, rolling paper) - reviews/comments
you can generate docs with php artisan scribe:generate
uuid id
str name
str email
str verified_at
str password
str remember_token
uuid id
enum type "store producer"
str name
str about
uuid id
str name
str about
uuid producer_id
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
timestamp deleted_at
uuid id
uuid product_id
str key
str value
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
datetime deleted_at
uuid id
uuid author_id
str content
bool approved
USER||--o{PRODUCERS : "is"
USER||--o{REVIEW: "has"
- create user model
- create company model that links to user
- create product model
- create review
- implement auth for company
- implement auth for review
- add media to company
- add media to products
- implement $user-can() in be
- do security audit of fillible fields
could not find driver (Connection: sqlite, SQL: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;) you need to install the php-sqlite extension