pytest-selenium is a plugin for py.test that provides support for running Selenium based tests. This plugin is still in development. Please check back for updates.
Configuration options are specified using a capabilities dictionary. This is required when using a Selenium server to specify the target environment, but can also be used to configure local drivers.
To specify capabilities you can provide a JSON file on the command line. For example:
{ "capabilities": {
"browserName": "Firefox",
"platform": "MAC" }
Simple capabilities can be set or overridden on the command line:
py.test --driver Remote --capability browserName Firefox
You can also add or change capabilities by overwriting the capabilities fixture:
import pytest
def capabilities(capabilities):
capabilities['tags'] = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
return capabilities
To use Chrome as the driver, you need to have ChromeDriver installed. You can download it here. You may either download ChromeDriver to a location in your PATH, or utilize the option to specify the driver path during test execution.
To run your automated tests, specify Chrome
as your driver:
py.test --driver Chrome
If ChromeDriver is not on your path, use --driver-path
to specify the location:
py.test --driver Chrome --driver-path /path/to/chromedriver
For more information relating to ChromeDriver, you may read its documentation here.
To use PhantomJS as the driver, you need to have it installed. You can download it here. You may either download PhantomJS to a location in your PATH, or utilize the option to specify the driver path during test execution.
To run your automated tests, specify PhantomJS
as your driver:
py.test --driver=PhantomJS
If PhantomJS is not on your path, use --driver-path
to specify the location:
py.test --driver=PhantomJS --driver-path=/path/to/phantomjs
For more information relating to PhantomJS, you may read its documentation here.
To run your automated tests against a Selenium server or or Selenium Grid you must have a server running and know the host and port of the server.
By default Selenium will listen on host and port 4444. This is also the default when running tests against a remote driver.
To run your automated tests, simply specify Remote
as your driver. Browser
selection is determined using capabilities. Check the
for details of accepted values. There are also a number of
browser specific capabilities
that can be set. Be sure to also check the documentation for your chosen
driver, as the accepted capabilities may differ.
Note that if your server is not running locally or is running on an alternate
port you will need to specify the --host
and --port
command line
To run your automated tests using Sauce Labs, you
must provide a valid username and API key. This can be done either by using
a setup.cfg
file or by setting the SAUCELABS_USERNAME
environment variables.
Below is an example setup.cfg
showing the configuration options:
sauce_labs_username = username
sauce_labs_api_key = secret
sauce_labs_job_visibility = public
The sauce_labs_job_visibility entry is used to determine who you share your Sauce Labs jobs with. Check the documentation for the accepted values. If not set, this defaults to public restricted.
To run your automated tests, simply specify SauceLabs
as your driver:
py.test --driver SauceLabs --capability browserName Firefox
See the supported platforms
to help you with your configuration. Additional capabilities can be set using
the --capability
command line arguments. See the
test configuration documentation
for full details of what can be configured.
You can specify the job sharing level for individual tests by setting a mark on
the test method. This takes priority over the sauce_labs_job_visibility
entry in the
configuration file:
import pytest
def test_public(selenium):
assert True
You can also explicitly mark the test as private:
import pytest
def test_private(selenium):
assert True
For the full list of accepted values, check the Sauce Labs documentation.
To run your automated tests using
BrowserStack, you must provide a valid
username and access key. This can be done either by using a setup.cfg
file or
environment variables.
Below is an example setup.cfg
showing the configuration options:
browserstack_username = username
browserstack_access_key = secret
To run your automated tests, simply specify BrowserStack
as your driver:
py.test --driver BrowserStack --capability browserName Firefox
See the capabilities documentation
for additional configuration that can be set using --capability
command line