A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
A curated list of awesome Clojure libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-... stuff
This is the home of O'Reilly's Clojure Cookbook -
Asynchronous streaming communication for Clojure - web server, web client, and raw TCP/UDP
An interactive problem website for learning Clojure
Natural Language Processing in Clojure (opennlp)
Enhanced try and throw for Clojure leveraging Clojure's capabilities
Check your Projects for outdated Dependencies
A Clojure library that implements the Logo programming language in a Clojure context
Example projects and sample code featured in Clojure Programming (1st ed.) from O'Reilly
A thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library.
ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure
Google protocol buffers wrapper for Clojure.
Analemma is a Clojure library for generating charts and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Library to aid writing Hadoop jobs in Clojure.
A Clojure library for watching file system events.
Tikkba is a Clojure library for the creation and the dynamic modification of SVG documents.
A simple library for accessing HBase conveniently from Clojure.
A component for the standard Ring Jetty adapter