yoUR-C Tools is the approach of configuring the Steinberg UR-C audio interfaces' DSP from a Linux-native application. All knowledge about the interface and the communication was gained by reverse engineering the USB communication of the dspMixFx application by Steinberg.
askoriy created a Python script to change and read parameters via a command line application.
Development is still in a very early stage. Help is welcomed with open arms.
Many details about the Steinberg UR44C and its protocols are not yet well understood or even unknown. If you do have experience in reverse engineering applications, protocols and more, please support this project.
All gained experience should be accessible for regular end-user in an easy to use GUI application. If you have improvements to share, please create a pull request.
These tools might work on several audio interfaces, including the UR44C, UR22C, UR24C and more. Please give it a try and create issues in case you encounter any issues.
In case you do have coding experience, you may share fixes and improvements by creating a pull request.
Several people invested into this project: