NB! Some variables influence multiple components. Command line parameters override env. variables (when doing custom deployments).
- NOTESTDB When set, the config DB won't be added to monitoring as "test". Default: -
- PW2_PGHOST Config DB host. Default: localhost
- PW2_PGPORT Config DB port. Default: 5432
- PW2_PGDATABASE Config DB name. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_PGUSER Config DB user. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_PGPASSWORD Config DB password. Default: pgwatch2admin
- PW2_PGSSL Config DB SSL connection only. Default: False
- PW2_GROUP Logical grouping/sharding key to monitor a subset of configured hosts. Default: -
- PW2_DATASTORE Backend for metric storage - [influx|postgres|graphite]. Default: influx
- PW2_VERBOSE Logging vebosity. By default warning and errors are logged. Use [-v|-vv] to include [info|debug]. Default: -
- PW2_PG_METRIC_STORE_CONN_STR Postgres metric store connection string. Default: -
- PW2_IHOST InfluxDB host. Default: localhost
- PW2_IPORT InfluxDB port. Default: 8086
- PW2_IUSER InfluxDB username. Default: root
- PW2_IPASSWORD InfluxDB password. Default: root
- PW2_IDATABASE InfluxDB database. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_ISSL Use SSL for InfluxDB. Default: False
- PW2_ISSL_SKIP_VERIFY Skip SSL cert validation. Allows self-signed certs. Default: true
- PW2_IHOST2 Secondary InfluxDB host. Default: localhost
- PW2_IPORT2 Secondary InfluxDB port. Default: 8086
- PW2_IUSER2 Secondary InfluxDB username. Default: root
- PW2_IPASSWORD2 Secondary InfluxDB password. Default: root
- PW2_IDATABASE2 Secondary InfluxDB database. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_ISSL2 Use SSL for Secondary InfluxDB. Default: False
- PW2_ISSL_SKIP_VERIFY2 Skip SSL cert validation. Allows self-signed certs. Default: true
- PW2_IRETENTIONDAYS Influx metrics retention period in days. Default: 30
- PW2_IRETENTIONNAME Influx retention policy name. Default: pgwatch_def_ret
- PW2_GRAPHITEHOST Graphite host. Default: -
- PW2_GRAPHITEPORT Graphite port. Default: -
- PW2_CONFIG File mode. File or folder of YAML (.yaml/.yml) files containing info on which DBs to monitor and where to store metrics
- PW2_METRICS_FOLDER File mode. Folder of metrics definitions
- PW2_BATCHING_MAX_DELAY_MS Max milliseconds to wait for a batched metrics flush. Default: 250
- PW2_ADHOC_CONN_STR Ad-hoc mode. Monitor a single Postgres DB specified by a standard Libpq connection string
- PW2_ADHOC_CONFIG Ad-hoc mode. A preset config name or a custom JSON config. Default: exhaustive
- PW2_ADHOC_NAME Ad-hoc mode. Unique 'dbname' for Influx. Default: adhoc
- PW2_INTERNAL_STATS_PORT Port for inquiring monitoring status in JSON format. Default: 8081
- PW2_CONN_POOLING Enable re-use of metrics fetching connections. "off" means reconnect every time. Default: off
- PW2_AES_GCM_KEYPHRASE Keyphrase for encryption/decpyption of connect string passwords.
- PW2_AES_GCM_KEYPHRASE_FILE File containing a keyphrase for encryption/decpyption of connect string passwords.
- PW2_WEBHOST Network interface to listen on. Default:
- PW2_WEBPORT Port. Default: 8080
- PW2_WEBSSL Use HTTPS with self-signed certificates, Default: False
- PW2_WEBCERT Enables use of own certificates for custom deployments. Default: '/pgwatch2/persistent-config/self-signed-ssl.pem'
- PW2_WEBKEY Enables use of own certificates for custom deployments. Default: '/pgwatch2/persistent-config/self-signed-ssl.key'
- PW2_WEBCERTCHAIN Path to certificate chain file for custom deployments. Default: -
- PW2_WEBNOANONYMOUS Require user/password to edit data. Default: False
- PW2_WEBUSER Admin login. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_WEBPASSWORD Admin password. Default: pgwatch2admin
- PW2_WEBNOCOMPONENTLOGS Don't expose Docker component logs. Default: False
- PW2_VERBOSE Logging vebosity. By default warning and errors are logged. Use [-v|-vv] to include [info|debug]. Default: -
- PW2_PGHOST Config DB host. Default: localhost
- PW2_PGPORT Config DB port. Default: 5432
- PW2_PGDATABASE Config DB name. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_PGUSER Config DB user. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_PGPASSWORD Config DB password. Default: pgwatch2admin
- PW2_PGSSL Config DB SSL connection only. Default: False
- PW2_IHOST InfluxDB host. Default: localhost
- PW2_IPORT InfluxDB port. Default: 8086
- PW2_IUSER InfluxDB username. Default: root
- PW2_IPASSWORD InfluxDB password. Default: root
- PW2_IDATABASE InfluxDB database. Default: pgwatch2
- PW2_ISSL Use SSL for InfluxDB. Default: False
- PW2_GRAFANA_BASEURL For linking to Grafana "Query details" dashboard from "Stat_stmt. overview". Default:
- PW2_AES_GCM_KEYPHRASE Keyphrase for encryption/decpyption of connect string passwords.
- PW2_AES_GCM_KEYPHRASE_FILE File containing a keyphrase for encryption/decpyption of connect string passwords.
- PW2_GRAFANANOANONYMOUS Can be set to require login even for viewing dashboards. Default: -
- PW2_GRAFANAUSER Administrative user. Default: admin
- PW2_GRAFANAPASSWORD Administrative user password. Default: pgwatch2admin
- PW2_GRAFANASSL Use SSL. Default: -
- PW2_GRAFANA_BASEURL For linking to Grafana "Query details" dashboard from "Stat_stmt. overview". Default:
None. NB! InfluxDB built into the pgwatch2 Docker image provides no security (setting up a custom user/password requires quite some steps), so if this is a concern, the according ports 8086/8088 should just not be exposed, or a custom setup.