Small set of tools to capture and convert packets from wlan devices for the use with hashcat. The tools are 100% compatible to hashcat because new wpa functions were developed together.
Multiple stand-alone binaries.
All of these utils are designed to execute only one specific function.
wlandump small, fast and simple active wlan scanner (no status output)
wlanscan small, fast and simple passive wlan scanner (status output)
pioff turns raspberry pi off by gpio switch
wlancap2hcx converts cap to hccapx (recommended for use with wlandump - like cap2hccapx, but different options)
wlanhcx2cap converts hccapx to cap
wlanhc2hcx converts hccap to hccapx
wlanhcx2essid merges hccapx containing the same essid
wlanhcx2ssid strips by bssid, essid, oui
wlanhcx2john converts hccapx to john
wlanhcxinfo shows detailed info from content of hccapxfile
wlanhcxmnc manually do nonce correction on byte number xx of a nonce
whoismac show vendor information
run make
run make install
use Makefile.pi to compile (wlandump) on raspberry pi
use Makefile.pi.gpio to compile (wlandump and pioff) on raspberry pi (needs hardware mods (gpiowait.odg))
LINUX (recommended ARCH, but other distro's should work, too. Kernel > 4.4 because 4.4 has a driver regression)
lib pcap and pcap dev installed
lib openssl and openssl dev installed
lib curl and curl dev installed (used by whoismac)
raspberry pi: additionally lib wiringpi and wiringpi dev installed (raspberry pi gpio support)
chipset must able to run in monitor mode. Recommended: RALINK chipset (good receiver sensitivity), rt2x00 driver (very fast)
bash_profile autostart for raspberry pi (copy to /root/.bash_profile)
pireadcard backup pi sd-card
piwritecard restore pi sd-card
most of all outputfiles are appended to existing files (with the ecxeption of .cap files)