A clipboard manager for Mac OS X.
If you distribute derived work, especially in the Mac App Store, I ask you to follow two rules:
- Don't use "ClipMenu" as your product name.
- Follow the MIT license terms.
Thank you for your cooperation.
- Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.6
- Xcode 3.2
- Manual reference counting
The source code is dependent on some libraries. You have to download and install them if you want to compile, run, or test the source code.
- PTHotKey by Quentin D. Carnicelli
- Shortcut Recorder by contributors to ShortcutRecorder
- Sparkle by Andy Matuschak
- DBPrefsWindowController by Dave Batton
- Google Toolbox for Mac by Google Inc.
- BWToolkit by Brandon Walkin
Naotaka Morimoto (@naotakaM)
ClipMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.