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Fuel Client Deployment with Docker


Before proceeding make sure to have these software packages installed on your machine:

  1. Docker Desktop: Install latest version of Docker Desktop on your OS

Deploying Fuel Client with Docker

Navigate to the root of the fuel-core git repo and run at your command line:

docker-compose up -d

This will start the fuel-core container in the background and keep it running.

In order to stop and remove the fuel-core container, run at your command line:

docker-compose down

Note: Linx, Unix, and Windows operating systems are supported for docker-compose deployment option.

Fuel Client Deployment on Kubernetes (k8s)

In order to deploy Fuel Client on k8s you must:

  1. Deploy fuel-core helm chart to your k8s cluster


Before proceeding make sure to have these software packages installed on your machine:

  1. Helm: Install latest version of Helm3 for your OS

  2. Terraform: Install latest version of Terraform for your OS

  3. kubectl: Install latest version of kubectl

  4. gettext: Install gettext for your OS

  5. AWS (for EKS deployment only):

  • aws cli v2: Install latest version of aws cli v2

  • aws-iam-authenticator: Install to authenticate to EKS cluster via AWS IAM

  • IAM user(s) with AWS access keys with following IAM access:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Note: Currently only Linux and Unix operating systems are supported for terraform creation of a k8s cluster.

Deploying to k8s Cluster

k8s Cluster Configuration

The current k8s cluster configuration is based on a single env file.

You will need to customize the following environment variables as needed (for variables not needed - keep the defaults):

ENV Variable Script Usage Description
k8s_provider all your kubernetes provider name, possible options: eks
k8s_namespace fuel-core-deploy your kubernetes namespace for fuel-core deployment
fuel_core_ingress_dns fuel-core-ingress-deploy the custom dns address for the fuel-core ingress
fuel_core_ingress_http_port fuel-core-ingress-deploy the custom port for the fuel-core ingress
fuel_core_image_repository fuel-core-deploy fuel-core ghcr image registry URI
fuel_core_image_tag fuel-core-deploy fuel-core ghcr image tag
fuel_core_pod_replicas fuel-core-deploy number of fuel-core pod replicas
pvc_storage_class fuel-core-deploy Storage class for the persistent volume
pvc_storage_requests fuel-core-deploy Th size of the request for the persistent volume


Deploying Fuel Client on k8s

Now that the k8s cluster is setup - you can deploy the fuel-core helm chart via the fuel-core-deploy.


To check that the helm chart is successful, run the following at your command line:

  % helm list
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                APP VERSION
fuel-core       fuel-core       2               2022-01-12 22:29:28.632358 -0500 EST    deployed        fuel-core-1.0.0      1.0   
  % kubectl get all -n fuel-core
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/fuel-core-k8s-5f58c6fcbd-h7n5w   1/1     Running   0          131m

NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP                                  PORT(S)        AGE
service/fuel-core-k8s-lb   LoadBalancer   80:31327/TCP   123m

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/fuel-core-k8s   1/1     1            1           131m

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/fuel-core-k8s-5f58c6fcbd   1         1         1       131m 

If the "STATUS" is deployed, the fuel-core helm chart has been deployed successfully.

Having fuel-core pod(s) running and a service associated with an External IP, load balancer DNS address further means the helm chart was deployed successfully.

If the helm chart deployments fails and/or the fuel-core pod(s) are not healthy, then you will need to delete the helm chart via fuel-core-delete script:


Then re-run the fuel-core-deploy script.

Deploying Fuel Ingress on k8s

In order to serve external HTTP and/or HTTPS traffic, provide load balancing, and SSL termination to your newly deployed fuel-core pod, an ingress k8s object must be deployed.

Before deploying your fuel ingress, you must select a 'fuel_core_ingress_dns' env that will serve as the DNS address for external access of your fuel-core application. The DNS address must be in a DNS domain that you currently own and have access to.

Additionally 'fuel_core_ingress_http_port' env parameter must be selected for the http port, the default is port 80.

In order to support SSL certificate creation for your custom ingress DNS, you must select an 'letsencrypt_email' env which is an email address you have access to renew your letsencrypt certificate when needed. Certificate manager is used to issue the custom certificate via letsnencrypt

For fuel ingress is deployed via fuel-core-ingress-deploy script:


It will take several minutes for ingress to be deployed and an external address to show up:

% kubectl get ingress -n fuel-core
NAME                CLASS    HOSTS              ADDRESS                                                    PORTS     AGE
fuel-core-ingress   <none>   80, 443   3d21h

Create a DNS record based on that ADDRESS value in your DNS registrar and your fuel-core application will now be served at your DNS address.

If you need to cleanup your existing ingress resource, run the fuel-core-ingress-delete:
