Pre-trained ImageNet models from the following papers:
Author: Alexey Kurakin, github: AlexeyKurakin
Ensure that you have installed TensorFlow 1.1 or greater (instructions).
You also need copy of ImageNet dataset if you want to run provided example. Follow Preparing the dataset instructions in TF-Slim library to get and preprocess ImageNet data.
Following pre-trained models are available:
Network Architecture | Adversarial training | Checkpoint |
Inception v3 | Step L.L. | adv_inception_v3_2017_08_18.tar.gz |
Inception v3 | Step L.L. on ensemble of 3 models | ens3_adv_inception_v3_2017_08_18.tar.gz |
Inception v3 | Step L.L. on ensemble of 4 models | ens4_adv_inception_v3_2017_08_18.tar.gz |
Inception ResNet v2 | Step L.L. on ensemble of 3 models | ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2_2017_08_18.tar.gz |
All checkpoints are compatible with TF-Slim implementation of Inception v3 and Inception Resnet v2.
Python script
allow you to evaluate provided models
on white-box adversarial examples generated from ImageNet test set.
Usage is following:
# ${MODEL_NAME} - type of network architecture,
# either "inception_v3" or "inception_resnet_v2"
# ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} - path to model checkpoint
# ${DATASET_DIR} - directory with ImageNet test set
# ${ADV_METHOD} - which method to use to generate adversarial images,
# supported method:
# "none" - use clean images from the dataset
# "stepll" - one step towards least likely class method (StepLL),
# see for details
# "stepllnoise" - RAND+StepLL method from
# ${ADV_EPS} - size of adversarial perturbation, ignored when method is none
python \
--model_name=${MODEL_NAME} \
--checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--batch_size=50 \
--adversarial_method=${ADV_METHOD} \
Below is an example how to evaluate one of the models on RAND+StepLL adversarial examples:
# Download checkpoint
tar -xvf ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2_2017_08_18.tar.gz
mv ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt* ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}
rm ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2_2017_08_18.tar.gz
# Run evaluation
python \
--model_name=inception_v3 \
--checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--batch_size=50 \
--adversarial_method=stepllnoise \