🧑🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), ga…
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
🍀 Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型)
A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet…
OpenMMLab Pre-training Toolbox and Benchmark
📈 目前最大的工业缺陷检测数据库及论文集 Constantly summarizing open source dataset and critical papers in the field of surface defect research which are of great importance.
MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch 1.0 / Pytorch 0.4. Out-of-box support for retraining on Open Images dataset. ONNX and Caffe2 support. Experiment Ideas lik…
[CVPR'24] UniRepLKNet: A Universal Perception Large-Kernel ConvNet for Audio, Video, Point Cloud, Time-Series and Image Recognition
Repository for Single Shot MultiBox Detector and its variants, implemented with pytorch, python3.
RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze and Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
Small Object Detection Algorithm Incorporating Swin Transformer for Tea Buds
This is Eyes 👁️ 👁️ Tracking Project, here we will use computer vision techniques to extracting the eyes, Mediapipe python modules will provide the face landmarks,
SSD 改进:backbone增加resnet,并针对resnet加入attention机制,为了充分利用细节特征和语义特征,还加入了特征融合模型
Gaze-Tracking based on head orientation and eye orientation
In Ictu Oculi: Exposing AI Created Fake Videos by Detecting Eye Blinking