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File metadata and controls

317 lines (193 loc) · 8.81 KB



Crate is written in Java, so a JDK needs to be installed. On OS X we recommend using Oracle's Java and OpenJDK on Linux Systems.

It is recommended to use a recent Java 8 version.

Writing Documentation

The documentation is written as reStructuredText (aka rst) and is built using Sphinx. The line length shall not exceed 80 characters. Most text editors support automatic line breaks at a certain line width if you don't want to insert line break manually ;)

Sphinx requires Python 2.7 or 3 to be installed in addition to Java. Make sure that there is a python executable called python in the global system $PATH (most distributions do that by default if Python is installed).

Git checkout and submodules

Clone the repository and initialize all contained submodules:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd crate

Gradlew - Building Crate and Documentation

This project uses Gradle as build tool. It can be invoked by executing ./gradlew. The first time this command is executed it is bootstrapped automatically, therefore there is no need to install gradle on the system.

Writing Documentation

The documentation is maintained under the docs directory and written in ReStructuredText and processed with Sphinx.

Normally the documentation is built by Read the Docs and isn't part of the Crate distribution. However if you work on the documentation you can run sphinx directly, which can be done by just running bin/sphinx in the blackbox directory. The output can then be found in the docs/out/html and docs/out/text directories.

Before you can run blackbox/bin/sphinx you need to setup a development environment by running inside the blackbox directory:

$ cd blackbox
$ python

And afterwards run buildout:

$ ./bin/buildout -N

To test that all examples in the documentation execute correctly run:

$ ./bin/test

Or if you want to test that a specific file executes correctly run:

$ ./bin/test -1vt <filename>

There is also a gradle task called itest which will execute all of the above steps.


To run the tests your network connection should be up and running, else some of the tests will fail, because crate needs to bind to a network interface that is capable of handling ip multicast requests. This is not possible on localhost.

Building and running Crate

The most convenient way to run build and run Crate during development is directly within the IDE. See the section further down for more information.

Regardless, it is possible to compile and run crate using gradle.

To compile Crate sources execute:

./gradlew compileJava

To run Crate as a Gradle task, a configuration file for logging (log4j) needs to be present:

mkdir -pv config && touch config/logging.yml

You can use a :ref:`minimal logging configuration <minimim_logging_config>`. For more information about logging, please refer to our docs.

And to run:

./gradlew runDebug


Crate will wait for a remote debugger on port 5005 to fully start up!

To install the distribution locally execute:

./gradlew installDist

And start Crate:


Other common tasks are:

  • Running tests during development:

    ./gradlew --parallel :sql:test -PtestForks=2 itest gtest
  • Run a single test:

    ./gradlew test -Dtest.single='YourTestClass'
  • Building a tarball (which will be under app/build/distributions):

    ./gradlew distTar

To get a full list of all available tasks run:

./gradlew tasks

Finding your way around in the Crate source code

Getting familiar with a foreign code base is often a daunting task. Especially if it is a distributed data store.

This little section won't do justice to explain the whole architecture. This should only give you an idea on where to start reading.

If a SQL statement is sent to Crate the work-flow is roughly as follows:

  • HTTP Request processing
  • Parse request body and create SQLRequest (happens in
  • Process SQLRequest (see doExecute in
    • Statement is parsed, resulting in an abstract syntax tree
    • AST is analyzed, basically using meta data like schema information to add information.
    • Some statements (mostly DDL) are executed directly
    • Planner creates plan for other statements (select, update, delete...)
    • Executor executes statement

Running Crate in your IDE


We recommend IntelliJ to develop Crate. Gradle can be used to generate project files that can be opened in IntelliJ:

./gradlew idea

Run/Debug Configurations

gradlew idea will have created a Run/Debug configuration called Crate. This configuration can be used to launch and debug Crate from within IntelliJ.

The home directory will be set to <project_root>/sandbox/crate and the configuration files for it can be found in <project_root>/sandbox/crate/config.

Test Coverage

Create test coverage reports with jacoco. The HTML report will be in build/reports/jacoco/jacocoHtml:

./gradlew jacocoReport


Running FindBugs against our code base:

./gradlew findBugsMain

The findbugs check will also be executed when running:

./gradlew check


There are two types of benchmarks within the project:

External Benchmarks

External benchmarks only require a crate client and execute SQL statements against one or more crate nodes.

Those benchmarks can be run using:

$ ./gradlew externalBenchmarks

It will output some results to stdout (read between the lines) and finally you will receive information where more detailed benchmark-results got stored.

internal benchmarks

Internal benchmarks test specific components or units.

We used to write them using JUnitBenchmarks, but the project has been deprecated in favor of JMH.

The benchmarks that were written using JUnitBenchmarks can still be run using:

$ ./gradlew benchmarks

But they should eventually be replaced with benchmarks that use JMH.


JMH benchmarks can be executed using gradle:

$ ./gradlew :core:jmh

By default this will look for benchmarks inside <module>/src/jmh/java and execute them. Currently, the JMH plugin is only enabled at the core module.

Results will be generated into $buildDir/reports/jmh.

If you're writing new benchmarks take a look at this JMH introduction and those JMH samples.

Preparing a new Release

Before creating a new distribution, a new version and tag should be created:

  • Update the CURRENT version in io.crate.Version.
  • Add a note for the new version at the CHANGES.txt file.
  • Commit e.g. using message 'prepare release x.x.x'.
  • Push to origin
  • Create a tag using the script (run ./devtools/

Now everything is ready for building a new distribution, either manually or let Jenkins do the job as usual :-)

Building a release tarball is done via the release task. This task actually only runs the distTar task but additionally checks that the output of git describe --tag matches the current version of Crate:

$ ./gradlew release

The resulting tarball and zip will reside in the folder ./app/build/distributions.


If you just pulled some new commits using git and get strange compile errors in the SQL parser code it is probably necessary to re-generate the parser code as the grammar changed:

./gradlew :sql-parser:compileJava