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Developing plugins for ServeMSX

Plugins for the ServeMSX is a small scripts for generating/parsing contents to show it in Media Station X.

Plugins can be written on the server side on tengo langiage, on the client (Media Station X) side on JavaScript. The interface between server and client is JSON API.

For client side plugins and JSON API of Media Station X see:

This docuemnt describes the structure of a plugin and tengo libraty for the scripts on server side.

Plugin structure

Plugin is a folder with as minimum one required file manifest.json. The name of the plugin is the name of the folder (do not use name "msx", becuse it is used by the system). It places into the folder plugins in the working directory of SeveMSX. There can be any files in the plugin's folder, including images, video, audio, scripts. Script files (with extension .tengo will be executed, all other files will be send to the client as is (if requested). The default script file is main.tengo, it is executed if the plugin's folder requested.

The example of plugin's folder named "myplugin":

  • 📂 plugins
    • 📂 myplugin
      • 🗒️ manifest.json
      • 🗒️ start.tengo
      • 🗒️ main.tengo
      • 🖼️ logo.png


It should contains the JSON object with the following properties (all properties are optional):

  • "Label": {string} - the title of the plugin showed in the main menu (if omited plugin name (folder name) will be used),
  • "Image": {string} - the URL to the logo of the plugin (showed in the main menu, if set the next property "icon" is ignored),
  • "Icon": {string} - the icon of the plugin (showed in the main menu if the image is not set, all posible icons see here,
  • "URL": {string} - the URL with started data (if omited the "http://ip:port/pluginName/" is using, it means main.tengo will be run),
  • "Torrent" : {boolean} - indecates if the plugin depends on TorrServer is used (if omited means false).

In the URLs ("Image", "URL") you can use {BASE_URL}, which will be replaced by current plugin url (e.g. "http://ip:port/pluginName/" THe example of the manifest.json:

  "Label": "My Plugin",
  "Image": "{BASE_URL}logo.png",
  "URL":   "{BASE_URL}start.tengo"

Plugins execution

Plugins are executed on client's HTTP request to the ServeMSX: http://{ip}:{port}/{plugin}/[path], where [path] is compared to the path in the plugin's folder (plugins/{plugin}/[path]):

  • if the [path] is omited or does not correspond to the existing file of the plugin's folder, main.tengo is executed;
  • if the [path] corresponds to the directory of the plugins's folder, main.tengo in the directory is executed;
  • if the [path] corresponds to the .tengo file, the file is executed;
  • if the [path] correspands to any other existing file, the file is sent to the client.

For example in the structure described above, the requests:

  • http://{ip}:{port}/myplugin/ - executes main.tengo,
  • http://{ip}:{port}/myplugin/opa - executes main.tengo,
  • http://{ip}:{port}/myplugin/main.tengo - executes main.tengo,
  • http://{ip}:{port}/myplugin/start.tengo - executes start.tengo,
  • http://{ip}:{port}/myplugin/logo.png - responds woth the logo.png.

Tengo scripting

Plugin's scripts on server side have to be written on tengo language (see the description of the language:

Tengo language references

Additional builtin function

One builtin function is added:

panic({any}), where if {any} is undefined it does nothing, else stops the program and if:

  • {any} is int - returns HTTP status int to the client and logs it;
  • {any} is other - returns HTTP status 500 with body string({any}) to the client ang logs string({any}).

Additional module "server"


srv := import("server")


  • proto {string}: the protocol version for the request.
  • method {string}: the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) of the request.
  • host {string}: the host on which the URL is sought.
  • remote_addr {string}: the network address that sent the request.
  • header {map of arrays of strings}: the request header fields.
  • uri {string}: unmodified request-target of the Request-Line (RFC 7230, Section 3.1.1) as sent by the client to a server.
  • version {string}: the current version of ServeMSX.
  • script {string}: the name of script file is running.
  • plugin {string}: the name of the plugin is running.
  • path {string}: the path of the request's uri (after plugin name) (e.g. http://{ip}:{port}/{plugin}/[path]).
  • base_url {string}: the base url of the plugin (e.g. http://{ip}:{port}/{plugin}/).
  • settings {map}: the object with properties & functions for work with user's settings...


  • read() => {bytes/error}: returns the request body as is.
  • read({bool}) => {map of arrays of strings}: parses the request and:
    • if {bool} is falsy, returns the fields of the query, POST/PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values;
    • else returns the fields of the POST/PUT body parameters.
  • read({string}[, bool]) => {string/undefined}: parses the request and returns the first value of the named {string} field of:
    • if [bool] is falsy or absent: the query, POST/PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values;
    • else: the POST/PUT body parameters.
  • write([any]...) => {undefined/error}: writes the response, where:
    • if an argument is {map} sets the headers of the response, it should be map of arrays of strings, and should be set before status or body writings;
    • if an argument is {int} set the http status of the response to the {int} code, it should be set before body writings, if {int} between 300 & 399 and the next argument is {string} sends the response as redirect with the code = {int} and the url = {string};
    • any other arguments are writen to the body of the response.
  • request({string}[, string/bytes/map]) => {map/error}: does the http request and returns the answer, where:
    • first argument is the url of the request;
    • if the second argument is {string} sets the http method (default is GET);
    • if the second argument is {bytes} sends the request body with http method POST;
    • if the second argument is map, sends the request with the following parameters in the map:
      • "body" {map/bytes/string}: the body of the request (if {map} it will be encoded as form);
      • "method" {string}: the http method (if "body" absent default is GET, else POST);
      • "query" {map/string}: the uri query (if {map} it will be encoded as form);
      • "header" {map}: the header fileds of the request (map of strings/array of strings);
      • "cookies" {array};
      • "user" {string};
      • "pass" {string};
      • "follow" {bool}: if it is falsy it does not follow the redirects (default is follows up to 10 times);
      • "timeout" {int}: in seconds;
    • the answer contains the response as a map of:
      • "status" {int}: status code;
      • "user" {string};
      • "pass" {string};
      • "header" {map};
      • "cookies" {array};
      • "body" {bytes};
      • "size" {int}: number of bytes;
      • "url" {string}: the final url (after all redirects).
  • encode_uri({string/map}[, bool]) => {string}: encodes:
    • if the first parameter is map, it encodes the structure of url to string, the map should be map of arrays of string;
    • if the first parameter is string, it escapes string to query (to path, if bool is true).
  • decode_uri({string}[, bool]) => {string/error}: unescapes query (path, if bool is true) to string.
  • parse_url([string]) => {map/error}: parses url (if argument is absent url = url of the request) to components and returns map:
    • "scheme" {string},
    • "opaque" {string},
    • "user" {string},
    • "host" {string},
    • "path" {string}: unescaped path,
    • "raw_path" {string}: escaped path,
    • "query" {map of arrays of strings}: decoded query,
    • "raw_query" {string}: encoded query,
    • "fragment" {string}: unescaped fragment,
    • "raw_fragment" {string}: escaped fragment.
  • resolve_url({string}[, string]) => {string/error}: resolves the url links:
    • if there are two arguments, first is the base url, second is the reference to solve;
    • if there is one argument, base url is the request url ("http://" + host + uri), and the argument is the reference to resolve.
  • memory([any]) [any]: if [any] omited - reads from the memory, else writes to the memory. The memory keeps the object until ServeMSX is restarted or stoped.
  • file({string}[,any]) [bytes/error]: read/write file, where:
    • if [any] omited - reads the file with the path {string} and returns {bytes/error}, if the file is not exists returns undefined;
    • if [any] is undefuned - removes the file, and returns {undefined/error};
    • else - writes {any} to the file, if it is not exists it is created, if exits - it is truncated.
  • log_err([any...]): logs [any...] to the error logging.
  • log_inf([any...]): logs [any...] to the info logging.

Plugins distribution

Plugin can be distributed by the file, which can be installed by SeveMSX WEB UI. The file have to be:

  • Format: gziped tar
  • Name: {plugin}.{PPP}.tgz, where:
    • {plugin} - the name of plugin (the same as plugin folder name described above), it should not contain a point symbol(".");
    • {PPP} - the three digits of minimum plugin engine version of ServerMSX, it the last three digits of ServeMSX version (the version of ServeMSX format is: M.VV.PPP, where M is a digit of major version, VV is two digits of functionality version, PPP is three digits of plugin engine version);
  • Content: the content of the plugin folder (described above), the example is:
    • 🗄️ myplugin.200.tgz:
      • 🗒️ manifest.json
      • 🗒️ start.tengo
      • 🗒️ main.tengo
      • 🖼️ logo.png


HTTP requests http://{IP}:{PORT}/[URI], where the [URI] can be:

[URI] Request Method Parameters
(bold are required)
Answer type Description
logo.png GET PNG Small logo of ServeMSX
logotype.png GET PNG Wide logotype of ServeMSX
restart GET JSON Restarts ServeMSX
settings GET JSON Returns ServeMSX settings
msx/dictionary.json GET JSON Returns the current dictionary of ServeMSX
msx/video/[path] GET JSON Returns the content of video folder (My video)
msx/music/[path] GET JSON Returns the content of music folder (My music)
msx/photo/[path] GET JSON Returns the content of photo folder (My photo)
msx/torr GET link=url/magnet/hash
JSON If link is not set, returns the content of TorrServer's torrents (My torrents).
If link is set, returns the content of the torrent, if ttl & img are set, the title and url to poster will be added if user press "Add torrent to My torrents" (yellow) button.
msx/input POST JSON object with properties:
JSON Returns a panel with keyboard asking user to enter a text. Afer user entered the text it executes the "action" with POST request with JSON: {"data":"text"}
msx/ffmpeg/{path} GET JSON/JPEG For using ffmpeg functionality...