DIY content server for MediaStation X
It is under development, for testing purposes only
- Serves local video & audio files
- Serves local torrent files (TorrServer need to be used)
- Serves TorrServer's torrents (TorrServer need to be used)
- Serves plugins, written on Tengo language (see Plugins Development Manual)
- One plugin is dveloped for example: tivix
- Plugins installation (and updates) automation
- Self update automation
- More plugins
Choose the apropriate file for your OS/Architecture from the releases, download it and just run.
It can be also installed as a service:
- For Windows, please use NSSM.
- For Linux use native service manager, for example, for Systemd you can:
- use the file: ServeMSX.service
- put it to /etc/systemd/system/
- run command:
# systemctl enable ServeMSX && systemctl start ServeMSX
- For OS X use native service manager Launchd, for example, you can:
- use the file: damia.ServeMSX.daemon.plist
- put it to /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- run command:
# launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/damiva.ServeMSX.daemon.plist
ServeMSX [options]
Where [options] can be one or more of:
- [IP]<:PORT> - the address of the http server is listen to (default is :8008)
- -i - do not log info messages (recomended to reduce log size)
- -t - do not print timestamp in logs (useful for systemd service manager)
- -s - skip verifying TLS sertificates (useful for tiny OS, like on routers)
- Errors logs to STDERR,
- Info messages logs to STDOUT,
- It should be restarted on successful (code 0) exit, becuse it exits succesfully only when it is restarting (manually from MSX or for self updating)
Install Media Station X on your TV, run it, go to Settings -> Start Parameter -> Setup and enter the address (default port is 8008) of the machine where ServeMSX is running.
In the working directory of ServeMSX, create symbolic links with the following name to your folder:
- for video files: video
- for music files: music
To play torrents online, you should install and use TorrServer. In the ServeMSX on Media Station X goto Settings -> TorrServer and enter the address (default port is 8090) of the machine where TorrServer is running (if it is the same maching with ServeMSX, it will be detected automatically).
For now, installation of the plugins is manual:
- download the plugins (mentioned above)
- in the working dir of ServeMSX create the folder plugins and put there the plugins (e.g. plugins/tivix/)