To run a simulation use:
go run main.go
The supported options are:
-bias int
Number of outgoing connections for a biased Tracker.
Enable printing time cumulative distribution function.
-choker string
The strategy used by the Choker. We support TitForTat and Random. (default "TitForTat")
-conf string
The path to configuration .json file. (default "./confs/small.json")
-cpuprofile file
Write cpu profile to file.
-ext int
Use the extesion with ext percent number of leaders.
Enable control packet latency.
Enable printing leader and follower times.
-log .json
The packet log in .json format.
-memprofile file
Write memory profile to file.
-multi int
The number of subnodes of a virtual node for MultiTorrent protocol.
Run the simulator's event queue with support for parallel events.
-pieceSize int
The size of a piece from the file. (default from configuration file)
-pieces int
Number of pieces the file has. (default from configuration file)
-procs int
GOMAXPROCS (default 4)
-v Verbose output.
The simulation need a configuration file to run. If no configuration file is provided via the flag -conf
, the default simulation file ./confs/small.json
will be used.
We have a set of default configuration files that we used during our tests in the folder confs
. The configuration file needs to be provided in a JSON format. An example configuration is:
"outPeers" : 5, // number of possible outgoing connections
"inPeers" : 5, // number of maximum incoming connections
"minNodes" : 20, // minimum number of nodes in the simulation
"seeds" : 1, // number of seeds in the simulation
"pieceSize" : 196, // the piece size in bits
"pieces" : 1000, // the number of pieces
"uploads" : 4, // the number of (simultaneous) upload connections for a peer
"optimistics" : 1, // number of random upload connections for a peer
"interval" : 10000, // the rechoking interval in milliseconds
"backlog" : 10, // the size of the backlog: maximum number of
// simultaneous requests made at a time by a peer
"transitDomains" : 10, // number of transit domains in router topology
"transitDomainSize" : 50, // size of a transit domain(in routers)
"stubDomains" : 2, // number of stub domains
"stubDomainSize" : 50, // size of a stub domain(in routers)
"transferInterval" : 10, // the interval at which data transfer is simulated(in milliseconds)
// array of nodes with their upload and download capacities
"capacityNodes" : [{
"number" : 1, // the seed
"upload" : 20,
"download" : 0
}, {
"number" : 20, // the nodes
"upload" : 10,
"download" : 20,
// a progress property which ensures that all the nodes will run
// at least one time in an interval(in milliseconds)
"allNodesRunInterval" : 10
- BitTorrent protocol:
go run main.go -v
- CacheTorrent protocol with 50% leaders:
go run main.go -ext=50 -v
- MultiTorrent protocol with 2 sub-Torrents and 50% leaders:
go run main.go -multi=2 -ext=50 -v
- Biased BitTorrent protocol with 20% external connections:
go run main.go -v -bias=50
- Biased CacheTorrent protocol with 20% external connections and 50% leaders:
go run main.go -ext=50 -bias=20 -v
- BitTorrent protocol with latency module running on a 2 core processor:
go run main.go -latency -v -parallel -procs=2
- CacheTorrent protocol with all measurements on:
go run main.go -ext=50 -v -cdf -leaders
To run the visualization tool:
The visualization tool back-end runs on localhost:8080