Module Name | Module Guid | Download Help Link | Help Version | Locale | ms.assetid | ms.reviewer | ms.custom | ||
AzureAD |
b433e830-b479-4f7f-9c80-9cc6c28e1b51 |
en-US |
7D9D9507-ADE5-45BD-97F8-0CCCDA3D3B58 |
rodejo |
iamfeature=PowerShell |
Azure AD PowerShell is planned for deprecation. For more details on the deprecation plans, see the deprecation update. You can start trying Microsoft Graph PowerShell to interact with Azure AD as you would in Azure AD PowerShell. In addition, Microsoft Graph PowerShell allows you access to all Microsoft Graph APIs and is available on PowerShell 7. For answers to frequent migration queries, see the migration FAQ.
The Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module can be downloaded and installed from the PowerShell Gallery. The gallery uses the PowerShellGet module. The PowerShellGet module requires PowerShell 3.0 or newer and requires one of the following operating systems:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1 Pro
- Windows 8.1 Enterprise
- Windows 7 SP1
- Windows Server 2016 TP5
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
PowerShellGet also requires .NET Framework 4.5 or above. You can install .NET Framework 4.5 or above from here.
For more detailed info on installation of the AzureAD cmdlets please see: Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph.
These are the cmdlets in the Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module.
Adds an administrative unit member.
Adds a scoped role membership to an administrative unit.
Gets an administrative unit.
Gets a member of an administrative unit.
Gets a scoped role membership from an administrative unit.
Creates an administrative unit.
Removes an administrative unit.
Removes an administrative unit member.
Removes a scoped role membership.
Updates an administrative unit.
Adds an owner to an application.
Adds an application policy.
Gets an application.
Gets application extension properties.
Gets the key credentials for an application.
Retrieve the logo of an application
Gets the owner of an application.
Gets the password credential for an application.
Gets an application policy.
Retrieve the service endpoint of an application
Retrieve the deleted applications in the directory
Creates an application.
Creates an application extension property.
Creates a key credential for an application.
Creates a password credential for an application.
Delete an application by objectId.
Removes an application extension property.
Removes a key credential from an application.
Removes an owner from an application.
Removes a password credential from an application.
Restores a previously deleted application
Updates an application.
Sets the logo for an Application
Adds a registered owner for a device.
Adds a registered user for a device.
Gets a device from Active Directory.
This cmdlet retrieves the device configuration object
Gets the registered owner of a device.
Gets a registered user.
Creates a device.
Deletes a device.
Removes the registered owner of a device.
Removes a registered user from a device.
Updates a device.
Adds a member to a directory role.
Activates an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory.
Gets a directory role.
Gets members of a directory role.
Gets directory role templates.
Removes a member of a directory role.
Adds a member to a group.
Adds an owner to a group.
Gets a group.
Gets a group application role assignment.
Gets a member of a group.
Gets an owner of a group.
Gets information about groups in Azure AD.
Creates a group.
Assign a group of users to an application role.
Creates an Azure AD group.
Removes a group.
Delete a group application role assignment.
Removes a member from a group.
Removes an owner from a group.
Removes an Azure AD group.
Get groups in which a contact is a member.
Gets group IDs that a group is a member of.
Selects the groups in which a service principal is a member.
Selects the groups that a user is a member of.
Updates a specific group in Azure Active Directory
Changes attribute values on an Azure AD group.
Adds an owner to a service principal.
Adds a service principal policy.
Gets a service principal application role assignment.
Gets a service principal.
Get objects created by a service principal.
Get key credentials for a service principal.
Get a service principal membership.
Gets an oAuth2PermissionGrant for a service principal.
Gets an object owned by a service principal.
Get the owner of a service principal.
Get credentials for a service principal.
Get the service principal policy
Assigns a service principal to an application role.
Creates a service principal.
Create a new key credential for a service principal
Creates a password credential for a service principal.
Removes a service principal application role assignment.
Removes a service principal.
Removes a key credential from a service principal.
Removes an owner from a service principal.
Removes a password credential from a service principal.
Updates a service principal.
Validate the ownership of a domain.
Gets a domain.
This cmdlet retrieves the objects that are referenced by a given domain name
Gets the domain's service configuration records from the serviceConfigurationRecords navigation property.
Retrieve the domain verification DNS record for a domain
Creates a domain.
Removes a domain.
Updates a domain.
Connects with an authenticated account to use Active Directory cmdlet requests.
Disconnects the current session from an Azure Active Directory tenant.
Gets a contact from Azure Active Directory.
Get the direct reports for a contact.
Gets the manager of a contact.
Get a contact membership.
Retrieves the thumbnail photo of a contact
Removes a contact.
Removes a contact's manager.
Gets a contract.
Gets a directory setting.
Gets a directory setting template.
Creates a directory settings object.
Deletes a directory setting in Azure Active Directory.
Updates a directory setting in Azure Active Directory.
Gets extension properties registered with Azure AD.
Gets OAuth2PermissionGrant entities.
Removes an oAuth2PermissionGrant.
Retrieves the object(s) specified by the objectIds parameter
Gets an object setting.
Creates a settings object.
Deletes settings in Azure Active Directory.
Updates object settings.
Gets a policy.
Get the objects to which a policy is applied
Creates a policy.
Removes a policy.
Updates a policy.
Gets subscribed SKUs to Microsoft services.
Gets the details of a tenant.
Set contact details for a tenant
Gets the trusted certificate authority.
Creates a trusted certificate authority.
Removes a trusted certificate authority.
Updates a trusted certificate authority.
Gets a user.
Get a user application role assignment.
Get objects created by the user.
Get the user's direct reports.
Gets a user extension.
Retrieves license details for a user
Gets the manager of a user.
Get user memberships.
Gets an oAuth2PermissionGrant object for a user
Get registered devices owned by a user.
Get objects owned by a user.
Get devices registered by a user.
Retrieve the thumbnail photo of a user
Creates an AD user.
Assigns a user to an application role.
Removes a user.
Removes a user application role assignment.
Removes a user extension.
Removes a user's manager.
Invalidates the refresh tokens issued to applications for the current user.
Invalidates the refresh tokens issued to applications for a user.
Updates a user.
Sets a user extension.
Adds or removes licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for a user.
Updates a user's manager.
Sets the password of a user.
Set the thumbnail photo for a user
Updates the password for the signed-in user.
This cmdlet is used to invite a new external user to your directory
This cmdlet returns information about one or more groups
This cmdlet is used to create a new group
This cmdlet is used to remove an existing group
This cmdlet is used to update group information
This cmdlet is used to retrieve the lifecycle policy of a group
This cmdlet can be used to create a new lifecycle policy for a group
This cmdlet can be used to remove a lifecycle policy for a group
This cmdlet is used to add a new lifecycle policy to a group
This cmdlet can be used to remove a lifecycle policy from a group
This cmdlet is used to reset the lifecycle of a group
This cmdlet is used to retrieve the lifecycle policy for a group.
Retrieve one or more Application Proxy applications
Retrieve the Application Proxy connector group for an Application Proxy application
Retrieve an Application Proxy connector
Retrieve an Application Proxy connector group
Retrieve the members of an Application Proxy connector group
Retrieve the Application Proxy connector group an Application Proxy application is a member of
Create a new Application Proxy Application
Create a new Application Proxy Connector group
Remove an Application Proxy Application
Remove the Application Proxy Connector group from an Application Proxy Application
Remove an Application Proxy Connector group
Set the properties of an Application Proxy Application
Set the properties of an Application Proxy Application Connector group
Set the custom domain certificate for an Application Proxy Application
Set the single sign-on properties for an Application Proxy Application
Set the properties for an Application Proxy Connector
Set the properties for an Application Proxy Connector group