This server is scheduled at start of Pype, it periodically checks avalon DB for 'representation' records which have in theirs files.sites record with name: 'gdrive' (or any other site name from 'gdrive.json') without field 'created_dt'.
This denotes that this representation should be synced to GDrive. Records like these are created by IntegrateNew process based on configuration. Leave 'config.json.remote_site' empty for not synchronizing at all.
One provider could have multiple sites. (GDrive implementation is 'a provider', target folder on it is 'a site')
Check that Site Sync is enabled globally in
Get credentials for service account, share target folder on Gdrive with it
Set path to stored credentials file in
Set name of site, root folder and provider('gdrive' in case of Google Drive) in
to name of site you set in previous step. -
Check that project setting is enabled (in this
file) -
Start Pype and publish
- Check that representation record contains for all 'files.sites' skeleton in
- Check if that record doesn't have already 'created_dt' filled. That would denote that file was synced but someone might have had removed it on remote site.
- If that records contains field "error", check that "tries" field doesn't contain same value as threshold in config.json.retry_cnt. If it does fix the problem mentioned in 'error' field, delete 'tries' field.
- Configure your Pype for syncing (see first section of Howtos).
- Manually add skeleton {name: "MY_CONFIGURED_REMOTE_SITE"} to all
db.getCollection('MY_PROJECT').update({type:"representation"}, {$set:{"files.$[].sites.MY_CONFIGURED_REMOTE_SITE" : {}}}, true, true)
- take
as a base class - create provider class in
with a name according to a provider (eg. '' for gdrive provider etc.) - upload provider icon in png format, 24x24, into
, its name must follow name of provider (eg. 'gdrive.png' for gdrive provider) - register new provider into
, test how many files could be manipulated at same time, check provider's API for limits
"local_id": "local_0",
-- identifier of user pype"retry_cnt": 3,
-- how many times try to synch file in case of error"loop_delay": 60,
-- how many seconds between sync loops"publish_site": "studio",
-- which site user current, 'studio' by default, could by same as 'local_id' if user is working from home without connection to studio infrastructure"remote_site": "gdrive"
-- key for site to synchronize to. Must match to site configured lower in this file. Used in IntegrateNew to prepare skeleton for syncing in the representation record. Leave empty if no syncing is wanted. This is a general configuration, 'local_id', 'publish_site' and 'remote_site' will be set and changed by some GUI in the future.
- "provider": "gdrive" -- type of provider, must be registered in 'sitesync\providers\'
- "credentials_url": "/my_secret_folder/credentials.json",
-- path to credentials for service account
- "root": { -- "root": "/My Drive" in simple scenario, config here for
-- multiroot projects
- "root_one": "/My Drive/work_folder",
- "root_tow": "/My Drive/publish_folder"