All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Solves #147: Add User Agent string
- Pull Request #7
- Fixes issue #6: TLS certificates not verified
- Thanks to Koen Rouwhorst for the pull request!
- Pull #113: Fix Travis CI Prism functionality for non-SendGrid contributors, update deprecated File.exists
- Pull #110, fixed Issue #109
- Automates Prism mock server locally & on Travis CI
- Thanks to KY for the pull request!
- Pull #72: remove unnecessary ruby 2.2 requirement
- Thanks to Billy Watson for the pull request!
- Table of Contents in the README
- Added a section, with the first use case example for transactional templates
- Example and USAGE DELETE calls were missing example payloads
- Troubleshooting section
- Update dependency to ruby-http-client
- Response headers now return a hash instead of a string
- Thanks to Chris France for the pull request!
- README updates
- Update introduction blurb to include information regarding our forward path
- Update the v3 /mail/send example to include non-helper usage
- Update the generic v3 example to include non-fluent interface usage
- Update docs, unit tests and examples to include Sender ID
- Accept: application/json header per
- Content based on our updated Swagger/OAI doc
- Updated dependency on ruby-http-client
- Import structure
- Relative import for mail/helper
- Add mail/send helper to the $LOAD_PATH, updated http client dependency
- Breaking change to support the v3 Web API
- New HTTP client
- v3 Mail Send helper
Support for cc_name and bcc_name via #31
Thanks Dylan!
Thanks Jake!
Remove puts from mail.rb #29
Inline content support
Payload 'to' attribute fix for smtpapi